Exploring Mining Podcast 276: DEFN, SA, BNCH, ASM

Vancouver, Kelowna, Delta, BC – May 24, 2022 (Investorideas.com Newswire) Investorideas.com, a global investor news source covering mining and metals stocks releases today’s edition of

Exploring Mining Podcast

, featuring stock news from TSX, TSXV, CSE, ASX, NASDAQ, NYSE companies plus interviews with CEO’s and leading experts.

Exploring Mining

has been selected by


panelist as one of the Top 25 Mining Podcasts on the web.

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Exploring Mining Podcast 276 – News from (TSXV: DEFN) (OTCQB: DFMTF) (NYSE: SA) (TSXV: BNCH) (NYSEAmerican: ASM)


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Defense Metals Corp. (


) (


) has


that it has retained SRK Consulting Inc. to assist with planning and executing geotechnical drilling investigations at the Wicheeda Rare Earth Element (REE) Project during 2022. Kris Raffle, Director of Defense Metals, explained:

“SRK was a natural fit to assist in the continued advancement of the Wicheeda REE Deposit having worked so closely with the Defense Metals technical team during the recent PEA study. SRK is well-positioned to build on the successful PEA mine plan and guide the collection of advanced geotechnical and hydrogeological data that will contribute to an enhanced understanding of geotechnical risk and refinement of future project development scenarios.”

Seabridge Gold Inc. (


) has reached an


with Liard First Nation (LFN) for Seabridge’s 3 Aces Project in Canada’s Yukon territory. Among other things, the agreement will “support LFN in preparing for and participating in assessment and regulatory processes and community engagement.” Seabridge CEO Rudi Fronk said:

“As a responsible exploration company, we are committed to building a meaningful and positive working relationship with our Indigenous partners. We are pleased that Liard First Nation has signed the Contribution Agreement, which establishes the framework in which both parties will work cooperatively with each other. The development of a common understanding of each other’s interests is our first priority.”

Benchmark Metals Inc. (



) has


new results from exploration drilling at the Marmot Zone. This includes additional assays that have more than doubled the length of the previously reported mineralized intercept in drill hole 21MLDD004 from 30.0 metres to 77.0 metres (m) core length of 1.11 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) and 35.93 g/t silver (Ag) or 1.56 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq). Benchmark’s CEO John Williamson said:

“The Marmot Zone results continue to demonstrate the new discovery potential that could add more gold and silver mineralization to it’s established multi-million ounce deposits. Benchmark will soon deliver a larger Mineral Resource Estimate from near 100,000 metres of new drilling in 2021 and 2022. We anticipate the new Resource to de-risk the Project with a majority of gold and silver ounces in the Measured + Indicated category.”

Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. (


) has


drill results from the Oxide Tailings Project, including 17 drill holes for a total of 209 metres of drilling. David Wolfin, President and CEO of Avino, said:

“These results highlight the continuity of the tailings grade beyond the previous known deposition footprint. The gold grade in the oxide portion of the recent holes is encouraging and given the distance of the step out holes, we feel this will provide meaningful resource expansion significantly beyond what was described in the previous PEA. The Oxide Tailings project factors prominently into the Company’s growth strategy to achieve intermediate producer status.”

The Investorideas.com podcasts are also available on iTunes (Apple Podcasts), Audible, Spotify, Tunein, Stitcher, Spreaker.com, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts and most audio platforms available.

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