Puma Exploration Presents Opportunity; 5.55 g/t Gold over 50 m Discovery Hole, Building Ounces in New Brunswick

Puma Exploration Inc. (TSXV:PUMA) (OTC:PUXPF) (FRA:4P8A)

is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company focused on advancing its Williams Brook Gold Property in New Brunswick, located in the same prolific geological setting as major Atlantic success stories such as Marathon Gold and Newfound Gold. Since acquiring the project in March-2020, Puma has quickly gone from virgin/grassroots ground (finding anomalous sampling in the woods) to clearing, trenching and stripping clean to expose large swaths of a 700 m long patchwork of gold laden rhyolitic bedrock (named the O’Neil Gold Trend) proximal a contact zone that runs even much longer within its claim boundaries. This September 15, 2021

Puma Exploration announced that it has drilled 5.55 g/t Gold over 50.15 metres* on its initial drilling at the Williams Brook Gold Property

, a stellar maiden intercept that positions PUMA.V as one of the most exciting gold exploration plays in the junior mining sector. The Company is currently conducting a 10,000 m drill program where quartz veining surface samples have yielded high-grades — the first drill holes reported show there is solid correlation between surface samples and core, presenting tremendous opportunity for investors looking to be part of a story in its early days.

Puma Exploration is the subject of a Mining MarketWatch Journal review, full copy of which may be viewed at



PUMA.V currently has a nominal market cap of ~C$37M (82,018,714 shares trading near ~C$0.46). The share price of PUMA.V is apt to appreciate from the current trading price as continued news flow occurs, and as the significance of what Puma Exploration possesses is better appreciated by the market.

In commenting on the maiden intercept Marcel Robillard, President and CEO of Puma Exploration, stated: “We are all very excited about the initial assay results as they have far exceeded our expectations, especially with WB21-02 returning a metal factor of 278. The drilling is validating the representativity of the high-grade gold samples collected at surface and the continuity of the mineralization at depth and laterally. The additional results should improve our model as we continue to better understand the geometry of the mineralized envelope along this segment of the O’Neil Gold Trend (OGT), that remains open.”

To put into perspective the significance of a 278 metal value, this places Puma Exploration in the top percentiles of discovery holes compared to success stories out there.

Aside — Additionally important time-sensitive note:

Investors in PUMA.V now will be the beneficiary of a dividend spin-off of the company’s copper assets; Puma was recently able to acquire some of the most prospective gold exploration ground in New Brunswick due in-part to its unique insight from having a 15 year history in the Bathurst camp of New Brunswick as a base metal exploration company. With the focus now on gold, the company will be spinning-off its copper assets; essentially PUMA.V is selling all its base metal projects for $3.5 million into a new shell (Melius Capital 3 Corp.). Puma’s technical team will continue to do the work, have representation on the BOD, and also shareholders of record of PUMA (date still to be set, but expected near the ~end of October-2021) will receive a dividend of the new spin-off at

~15 shares for 1

(giving the new entity the 200 shareholders listing minimum). The payments to Puma will be in share equivalent in 4 instalments, capped at 20% (non-controlling) ownership (difference in cash if exceeding 20%). The 43-101s and paperwork are on-track and Melius will be pushing to be publicly trading by the end of 2021 or very soon thereafter. The Chester Property will be the flagship with an established resource from 2014 that appears ready for sizeable upgrade.

The full Mining MarketWatch Journal review may be viewed at



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