Monument Announces Burnakura Phase 1 Assay Results Including High-Grade Gold at Junction Target

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY and FSE: D7Q1) “Monument” or the “Company” is pleased to announce the drill results from the Phase 1 drilling program undertaken in July and August 2021 at the company’s Murchison Gold Project in the Meekatharra region of Western Australia.


Phase 1

program comprised 46 reverse circulation (RC) holes (3,465m) and 349 aircore (AC) holes (10,484m) testing new targets, focusing on areas outside of current resources in the wholly-owned Burnakura project.


Significant drill intercepts are show in Table 1 below:

Table 1: Highlights of Drill Results


Drillhole ID


From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Au (g/t)

Munro Bore Extension
21BNRC037 RC 31 36 5 1.53
21BNRC038 RC 111 113 2 0.81

RC 119 122 3 1.91
21BNRC039 RC 60 62 2 1.56

RC 106 108 2 3.70

21BNRC008 RC 5 13 8 0.97
21BNRC026 RC 18 25 7 0.82

21BNAC213 AC 22 25 3 10.2

AC 22 23 1 27.3

See Appendix 1 for more detailed hole information.

Key results of the drilling program are as following:

  • Munro Bore Extension:

    160m strike extension confirmed at the

    Munro Bore Extension

    , southwest of the historical Munro Bore deposit (outside of Monument’s tenements).

  • Junction:

    New high-grade discovery at the


    target (3m at 10.2 g/t Au including 1m at 27.3 g/t Au from 21BNAC213), where AC drilling intersected gold under transported cover in association with a significant shear zone and no known historical drilling or surface sampling.

  • FLC2:

    The gold mineralization appears to be associated with various lithological contacts based on the Phase 1 drill program assay results and geological logging. Several holes may need to be extended to determine whether the shallow mineralization previously identified continues at depth.

Monument CEO and President Cathy Zhai commented:

“The results from the Phase 1 drilling program are highly-encouraging, which confirms the exploration team’s target selection strategy that implemented to identify new zones of mineralization at underexplored areas within the Burnakura Gold Project. The discovery of high-grade gold mineralization at the Junction Target is particularly exciting given it is located in an area with no known prior exploration and there is significant room to extend this mineralization with further drill programs.”


The Phase 1 drilling program was designed to test new high-quality structural targets beneath cover within the Burnakura Project that may lead to the identification of shallow stand-alone or satellite gold deposits to supplement the Project’s current resource base (Figure 1). These targets include Authaal East, Banderol South, Junction and Munro Bore Extension.

The RC drilling targeting the FLC2 and FLC3 prospects was brought forward from Phase 2 drill program to take advantage of increased drill rig availability. This drilling targeted historical high-grade gold assays from rotary air blast (RAB) drilling as well as several intersections in RC holes.

In contrast to this, the Phase 2 program, which is now underway, is targeting down dip and down plunge extensions of known high-grade deposits along the North of Alliance (NOA) structure, some of which have been mined historically, potentially leading to an expansion of the current underground resources.

Figure 1: Phase 1 and 2 drilling target areas and completed Phase 1 collar locations

is available at

The Phase 1 drilling program was carried out between July 3


and August 21


2021 using a Schramm T450 rig managed by Strike Drilling.

A total of 46 RC holes for 3,465m were completed, comprising 12 holes for 1,301m at the Munro Bore Extension target and 34 holes for 2,164m at the FLC2 and FLC3 prospects.

A total of 349 AC holes were completed for 10,484m at the Authaal East, Banderol South and Junction targets as planned, although the eastern line of the Junction target was not drilled due to steep terrain. Furthermore, the depth to blade refusal was generally less than anticipated resulting in fewer metres drilled than originally planned.

Drill holes were angled at 60 degrees with varying azimuths and AC holes were generally spaced at 25m with lines spaced at between 400m to 950m.


A total of 12 RC holes for 1,301m were drilled at the Munro Bore Extension target in three lines covering a mineralized strike length of 160m within tenement M51/178. This mineralization is the strike extension of the unexploited historical Mineral Resource at Munro Bore (266,000t at 1.6 g/t Au, reported in “Technical Project Review and Independent Valuation Report (Short Form)” prepared by Giralia Resources NL and reviewed by Ravensgate Mining Industry Consultants in January 2011).

Drill holes were spaced between 40m and 50m and drilled to depths from 60m to 160m. The area was also surface mapped at a scale of 1:2000 (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Munro Bore Extension Drilling

is available at

The extended mineralization to Munro Bore deposit has been confirmed by the RC drilling. Mineralized intercepts include the following and are shown in Table 2 below: 5m at 1.53 g/t from 31m downhole (21BNRC037), 2m at 3.70g/t from 106m downhole (21BNRC039), and 3m at 1.91g/t from 119m downhole (21BNRC038).

Table 2: Munro Bore Extension Highlights


Drillhole ID


From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Au (g/t)

Munro Bore Extension
21BNRC005 RC 119 120 1 1.00
21BNRC037 RC 31 36 5 1.53

RC 71 72 1 1.00
21BNRC038 RC 111 113 2 0.81

RC 119 122 3 1.91

RC 129 130 1 2.35
21BNRC039 RC 60 62 2 1.56

RC 106 108 2 3.70
21BNRC041 RC 34 37 3 0.99
21BNRC042 RC 56 58 2 1.16

RC 65 66 1 1.49

The main mineralized intervals occur within a shear zone over a width of 45m to 65m that is hosted within granodiorite, basalt and dacite/felsic volcanics. Gold mineralization appears to be associated with disseminated pyrite up to 3%, in variably altered and sheared rocks. The shear zone trends in a north-easterly direction, dipping approximately 70 degrees to the northwest and appears to be a continuation of the structure on the adjacent tenement M51/338, host to the Munro Bore deposit.

The shear zone is located at the eastern contact of a circular granitic intrusion that has a diameter of approximately 1.3km. Strain has been focused on the edge of the intrusion within a more ductile intercalated package of basalts and felsic volcanics.

Although the reported mineralized intersections are relatively low grade, they are contained within a wide mineralized shear zone with anomalous gold scattered throughout that is located at a favorable lithological contact. A geological model will be completed that will assist in further targeting the shear zone to the south-west along the granite contact. In addition, the mineralization will be assessed for possible shallow RC infill drilling, targeting resources close to surface.


This target represents a major confluence between an east-west oriented magnetic high and a north-south oriented magnetic high, which coincides with an apparent magnetic low.

A total of 192 holes for 5,847m of AC drilling were completed at the Junction target (Figure 3). A planned eastern most line was not drilled as the topography is steep and not suitable for a large drill rig.

Figure 3: Completed drilling at the Junction Prospect

is available at

A best intersection of 3m at 10.2g/t Au from 22m downhole was returned from 21BNAC213, which included 1m at 27.3g/t Au as detailed below (Table 3):

Table 3: Junction Best Intercepts


Drillhole ID


From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Au (g/t)

21BNAC213 AC 22 25 3 10.2

AC 22 23 1 27.3

There is also low-level gold mineralization in the adjacent holes including 21BNAC211 (0m to 4m at 0.22g/t Au and 4m to 8m at 0.15g/t Au), 21BNAC212 (0m to 4m at 0.32g/t Au, 4m to 8m at 0.14g/t Au and 8m to 12m at 0.17g/t Au), 21BNAC213 (0m to 4m at 0.16g/t Au) and 21BNAC214 (4m to 8m at 0.11g/t Au).

The mineralized intersection in 21BNAC213 is associated with a shear zone containing strongly sheared and sericite altered meta-sediments containing dark blue/grey quartz veins with very fine sulphides. The hanging wall lithology consists of a fine metasediment and the footwall consists of talc rich ultramafic.

The drilling at the Junction target intercepted narrow intervals of meta-sediments including minor banded iron formation horizons, mafic and ultramafic horizons, within a weak to moderately strained granite. The total width of the greenstone package varies from 100m to 800m wide. Geological mapping was completed along a north south line approximately 800m to the east of hole 21BNRC213. Structural measurements indicate that the foliation is dipping to the north at an average of 71 degrees with an average strike of 255 degrees.

Three grab samples were collected from a quartz vein within a shear/fault structure that outcrops 800m northeast and along strike of hole 21BNAC213. The samples returned weakly anomalous results (best Au values of 0.10 and 0.11 g/t grades) and indicate that the mineralization in hole 21BNAC213 could be associated with a larger scale shear system.

The high-grade intersection in 21BNAC213 is particularly significant because it is located in an area that is under transported cover that has no known historical drilling or surface sampling, and the gold mineralization is associated with a significant shear zone. There is significant potential to delineate a large mineralized system close to surface with further successful exploration drilling as the intersection is open both down dip and along strike. To the east of 21BNAC213, there is a strike length of approximately 5km within Monument’s project area with no known sampling, apart from the three grab samples described in this release.


The FLC2 target is located approximately 400m to the south of the Banderol pit and appears to be associated with the southward continuation of the same structural contact that hosts the mineralization within the pit. The Banderol pit produced an estimated 28koz of gold at 2.9g/t Au pre-2005 (Updated Mineral Resource, Burnakura Project, Western Australia, Australia NI 43-101 Technical Report. SRK, July 2018).

A total of 30 holes for 1882m were drilled at FLC2 (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Phase 1 RC Drilling at FLC2 Prospect

is available at

The best intercept is 8m at 0.97 g/t Au from 5m downhole in 21BNRC008. There are several other narrow low grade intercepts of similar tenor to historical intersections, including 7m at 0.82g/t Au from 18m downhole in 21BNRC026 (Table 4).

Table 4: FLC2 Prospect Highlights


Drillhole ID


From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Au (g/t)

21BNRC008 RC 5 13 8 0.97
21BNRC011 RC 29 30 1 2.05
21BNRC013 RC 21 22 1 1.10
21BNRC015 RC 38 39 1 1.05

RC 43 44 1 2.30
21BNRC020 RC 55 58 3 0.85
21BNRC021 RC 55 56 1 1.33
21BNRC026 RC 18 25 7 0.82
21BNRC030 RC 23 24 1 1.20

Previous drilling consisted of fences of RAB holes, 80m apart and with a hole spacing of 40m drilled to a depth of 40m. Although low grade gold mineralization was intersected, with a best intersection of 10m at 3.4g/t Au and 3m at 5.0g/t Au, deeper percussion drilling targeting the down dip higher grade RAB results failed to intersect mineralization of economic grade or thickness. The base of complete oxidation averages 30m in depth whilst the top of fresh rock is located at a depth of approximately 45m.

The drilling results and geological logging from the Phase 1 drilling indicate that the mineralization is generally associated with mafic and ultramafic as well as ultramafic and granite lithological contacts. There is also some evidence of supergene enrichment. The localization of shearing along various lithological contacts combined with supergene enrichment has distributed mineralization across a strike of over 800 m and along a strike of approximately 700m.

To further target this mineralization and to focus on the most prospective areas, a more detailed geological interpretation based on all drilling and airborne magnetic images will need to be completed. In addition, some of the Phase 1 drill holes may need to be extended in future drill programs to further establish downdip mineralization continuity.


The FLC3 prospect is located 1.2km south of the Federal City Pit and includes several shallow historical high-grade gold intercepts that have been recorded over a very short strike length, including 10m at 10.9g/t (FCPH1526).

Eight lines of RAB drilling have been previously drilled around FCPH1526 in an attempt to delineate the high-grade mineralization; however, they intersected only very weakly anomalous gold, limiting the strike extent to 200m (Figure 5). Interpretation of the mineralization in drillholes indicates that the mineralization is trending in an approximate north-south direction.

As part of the Phase 1 drilling program, 4 RC holes (282m) were drilled to test the high-grade mineralization 40m to the north and south of FCPH1526 and investigate the down dip continuity. Surface mapping was also undertaken, however, outcrop is limited.

Figure 5: Phase 1 RC Drilling at FLC3 Prospect

is available at

No anomalous results were received from any of the FLC3 Phase 1 drill holes and there appears to be limited potential to develop the FLC3 prospect further in the immediate drilling area. However, there is considerable strike length to the north and south of the FLC3 prospect that has not been drilled and these areas will be assessed as part of Monument’s ongoing target development strategy.


The Banderol South target is located approximately 2km to the south of the Banderol Pit where gold bearing ore was extracted from a north south orientated structure and treated at the Burnakura Plant site (Figure 6). No residual resource is reported from Banderol.

A total of 127 AC holes (21BNAC031-157) for 3,465m of drilling were completed at the Banderol South target. The best intersections included 4m @ 0.53 g/t Au in 21BNAC031 and 4m @ 0.51 g/t Au in 21BNAC129.

Figure 6: Phase 1 drilling at Banderol South Target

is available at

A sequence dominated by felsic volcanics with minor granodiorite, mafics and ultramafics was intersected. Transported cover is generally very shallow and less than 1m thick. Although the intersection in 21BNAC031 can be associated with a known north westerly mineralization trend within granite, the intersection in 21BNAC129 is associated with quartz veining of an unknown orientation and will need to be further investigated. The newly acquired geological information will be incorporated into the current interpretation to assist in future exploration targeting.


Follow up work from the Phase 1 drill program will be initially focused on the exciting Junction target and may include the following:

  • Additional geological mapping further to the east at the Junction target which will help delineate areas that would be suitable for soil sampling.
  • Soil sampling at the Junction target to the east of the eastern most drilled line in areas that are not under transported cover.
  • Infill AC drill lines to the east and west of 21BNAC213.
  • Follow up RC drill program at the Junction target.


All drilling completed by Monument utilized the following procedures and methodologies, and was carried out by Strike Drilling Pty Ltd under the supervision of Monument personnel.

RC drilling used a 5.0-inch face sampling pneumatic hammer with samples collected into 60 litre plastic bags. Samples were collected as 1m splits from the cyclone or as 4m composites from the 60 litre plastic bags. Samples were kept dry by maintaining enough air pressure to exclude groundwater inflow; however a very small number of RC samples from this drill program were moist or wet.

AC drilling used a 4.0-inch blade and cuttings were collected in one metre intervals and split between a calico bag and a portion was placed onto the ground for spear sampling 4m composites. The 1m calico samples have been stored at the drill site until assay results are received and validated. Composites returning greater than 0.1g/t Au were subsampled using the 1m calico bags.

Coarse reject samples for all mineralized samples corresponding to significant Au intervals will be retained and stored on-site at the Company controlled core yard.

All drill samples were shipped to ALS Geochemistry laboratory in Townsville, QLD for preparation and analysis. All samples underwent routine gold analysis using a 50-gram charge and fire assay with an atomic absorption finish. Selected samples were dissolved by a four acid digestion and then analyzed for a suite of 33 elements using an ICP-AES finish.

Quality control procedures included the systematic insertion of blanks (1 in 50 samples), duplicates (1 in 40 samples) and sample standards (1 in 20 samples) into the sample stream at the drill site.

The results of the inserted reference materials, including blanks and standard were deemed to be satisfactorily in line with industry best practice. All inserted standards were within 2 standard deviations of certified values except for one sample that was rerun with several adjacent samples as an interval. The newly inserted standards passed within 2 standard deviations of expected values.

The scientific and technical information in this press release has been assembled by Adrian Woolford, Chief Geologist of the Company, reviewed and approved by Roger Stangler, MEng, FAusIMM, MAIG, a Qualified Person as defined by NI43-101, retained by Golder Associates Pty Ltd.

About Monument

Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY, FSE:D7Q1) is an established Canadian gold producer that 100% owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia and the Murchison Gold Project in the Murchison area of Western Australia. It has 20% interest in Tuckanarra Gold Project jointly owned with Odyssey Gold Ltd in the same region. The Company employs approximately 200 people in both regions and is committed to the highest standards of environmental management, social responsibility, and health and safety for its employees and neighbouring communities.

Cathy Zhai, President and CEO

Monument Mining Limited

Suite 1580 -1100 Melville Street

Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION visit the company web site at or contact:

Richard Cushing, MMY Vancouver  T:+1-604-638-1661×102

“Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.”

Forward-Looking Statement

This news release includes statements containing forward-looking information about Monument, its business and future plans (“forward-looking statements”). Forward-looking statements are statements that involve expectations, plans, objectives or future events that are not historical facts and include the Company’s plans with respect to its mineral projects and the timing and results of proposed programs and events referred to in this news release. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects” or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved”. The forward-looking statements in this news release are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks and certain other factors include, without limitation: risks related to general business, economic, competitive, geopolitical and social uncertainties; uncertainties regarding the results of current exploration activities; uncertainties in the progress and timing of development activities; foreign operations risks; other risks inherent in the mining industry and other risks described in the management discussion and analysis of the Company and the technical reports on the Company’s projects, all of which are available under the profile of the Company on SEDAR at Material factors and assumptions used to develop forward-looking statements in this news release include: expectations regarding the estimated cash cost per ounce of gold production and the estimated cash flows which may be generated from the operations, general economic factors and other factors that may be beyond the control of Monument; assumptions and expectations regarding the results of exploration on the Company’s projects; assumptions regarding the future price of gold of other minerals; the timing and amount of estimated future production; the expected timing and results of development and exploration activities; costs of future activities; capital and operating expenditures; success of exploration activities; mining or processing issues; exchange rates; and all of the factors and assumptions described in the management discussion and analysis of the Company and the technical reports on the Company’s projects, all of which are available under the profile of the Company on SEDAR at Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Appendix 1 – Summary of Phase 1 Drill Collar Details and Significant Assays

Coordinates are shown in the MGA94, Zone 50 grid system. Results are reported uncapped. NSR stands for no significant result. RC (21BNRC holes) significant Au intercepts are defined as any intersection greater than 1m at 1.0g/t Au and AC (21BNAC holes significant intercepts are defined as any intersection greater than 1m at 0.5g/t Au.

RC Drill Hole Collar Details and Significant Assays

Hole ID Target Easting Northing RL Azi Dip EOH (m) Depth From (m) Depth To (m) Length (m) Au grade (g/t)
21BNRC001 Munro Bore Extension 643501 7002621 499 128 -60 62 NSR
21BNRC002 Munro Bore Extension 643458 7002551 497 130 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC003 Munro Bore Extension 643405 7002487 496 130 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC004 Munro Bore Extension 643389 7002712 499 128 -60 160 NSR


Munro Bore Extension










21BNRC006 Munro Bore Extension 643302 7002576 497 126 -60 153 NSR
21BNRC007 FLC2 641830 7004449 483 135 -60 94 NSR












21BNRC009 FLC2 641879 7004359 484 131 -60 94 NSR
21BNRC010 FLC2 641911 7004227 484 134 -60 67 NSR












21BNRC012 FLC2 641973 7004174 483 131 -60 89 NSR












21BNRC014 FLC2 642123 7004105 485 136 -60 47 NSR


















21BNRC016 FLC2 642143 7004165 484 133 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC017 FLC2 642167 7004142 485 130 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC018 FLC2 642189 7004126 485 130 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC019 FLC2 642212 7004108 485 132 -60 60 NSR
























21BNRC022 FLC2 642110 7003881 486 132 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC023 FLC2 642092 7003900 486 131 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC024 FLC2 642064 7003921 485 132 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC025 FLC2 642460 7004082 486 131 -60 43 NSR












21BNRC027 FLC2 642418 7004120 485 132 -60 59 NSR
21BNRC028 FLC2 642395 7004139 484 133 -60 53 NSR
21BNRC029 FLC2 642556 7004198 485 133 -60 46 NSR












21BNRC031 FLC2 642506 7004229 485 132 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC032 FLC2 642630 7004212 485 130 -60 46 NSR
21BNRC033 FLC2 642604 7004227 485 131 -60 50 NSR
21BNRC034 FLC2 642583 7004245 485 133 -60 40 NSR
21BNRC035 FLC2 642561 7004261 485 133 -60 60 NSR
21BNRC036 FLC2 642183 7004051 485 134 -60 60 NSR


Munro Bore Extension












Munro Bore Extension






Munro Bore Extension












Munro Bore Extension






Munro Bore Extension






Munro Bore Extension












Munro Bore Extension




21BNRC040 Munro Bore Extension 643425 7002579 498 131 -60 80 NSR


Munro Bore Extension












Munro Bore Extension












Munro Bore Extension




21BNRC043 FLC3 643839 7004335 490 93 -60 64 NSR
21BNRC044 FLC3 643801 7004327 489 93 -62 82 NSR
21BNRC045 FLC3 643831 7004233 492 94 -61 60 NSR
21BNRC046 FLC3 643801 7004232 491 97 -61 76 NSR

AC Drill Hole Collar Details and Significant Assays

Hole ID Target Easting Northing RL Azi Dip EOH (m) Depth From (m) Depth To (m) Length (m) Au grade (g/t)
21BNAC001 Authaal East 645757 7005621 478 130 -60 27 NSR
21BNAC002 Authaal East 645741 7005634 477 130 -60 15 NSR
21BNAC003 Authaal East 645722 7005650 477 130 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC004 Authaal East 645702 7005660 477 130 -60 49 NSR
21BNAC005 Authaal East 645687 7005672 477 130 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC006 Authaal East 645662 7005695 476 130 -60 41 NSR
21BNAC007 Authaal East 645649 7005707 476 130 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC008 Authaal East 645624 7005728 476 130 -60 43 NSR
21BNAC009 Authaal East 645606 7005743 475 130 -60 48 NSR
21BNAC010 Authaal East 645592 7005757 475 130 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC011 Authaal East 645566 7005774 475 130 -60 41 NSR
21BNAC012 Authaal East 645545 7005793 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC013 Authaal East 645530 7005803 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC014 Authaal East 645508 7005822 474 130 -60 43 NSR
21BNAC015 Authaal East 645497 7005835 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC016 Authaal East 645480 7005847 473 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC017 Authaal East 645442 7005880 473 130 -60 60 NSR
21BNAC018 Authaal East 645412 7005892 473 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC019 Authaal East 645388 7005911 473 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC020 Authaal East 645375 7005922 473 130 -60 39 NSR
21BNAC021 Authaal East 645353 7005933 473 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC022 Authaal East 645334 7005966 473 130 -60 54 NSR
21BNAC023 Authaal East 645316 7005981 473 130 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC024 Authaal East 645295 7005996 473 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC025 Authaal East 645279 7006009 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC026 Authaal East 645264 7006028 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC027 Authaal East 645234 7006046 474 130 -60 38 NSR
21BNAC028 Authaal East 645218 7006061 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC029 Authaal East 645202 7006075 474 130 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC030 Authaal East 645181 7006091 474 130 -60 40 NSR


Banderol South










21BNAC032 Banderol South 642578 7002647 497 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC033 Banderol South 642554 7002648 497 90 -60 33 NSR
21BNAC034 Banderol South 642528 7002648 498 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC035 Banderol South 642503 7002646 498 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC036 Banderol South 642478 7002647 498 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC037 Banderol South 642452 7002647 498 90 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC038 Banderol South 642429 7002650 498 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC039 Banderol South 642404 7002648 498 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC040 Banderol South 642377 7002646 498 90 -60 31 NSR
21BNAC041 Banderol South 642354 7002646 498 90 -60 27 NSR
21BNAC042 Banderol South 642327 7002647 499 90 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC043 Banderol South 642304 7002648 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC044 Banderol South 642271 7002632 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC045 Banderol South 642247 7002636 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC046 Banderol South 642227 7002646 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC047 Banderol South 642200 7002649 499 90 -60 32 NSR
21BNAC048 Banderol South 642175 7002649 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC049 Banderol South 642152 7002650 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC050 Banderol South 642134 7002649 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC051 Banderol South 642103 7002646 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC052 Banderol South 642078 7002646 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC053 Banderol South 642059 7002646 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC054 Banderol South 642028 7002618 502 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC055 Banderol South 642000 7002643 503 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC056 Banderol South 641978 7002644 503 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC057 Banderol South 641952 7002646 503 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC058 Banderol South 641926 7002646 503 90 -60 23 NSR
21BNAC059 Banderol South 641799 7002644 500 90 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC060 Banderol South 641776 7002647 499 90 -60 22 NSR
21BNAC061 Banderol South 641757 7002647 498 90 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC062 Banderol South 641729 7002646 497 90 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC063 Banderol South 641704 7002647 495 90 -60 5 NSR
21BNAC064 Banderol South 641678 7002645 495 90 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC065 Banderol South 641652 7002646 494 90 -60 12 NSR
21BNAC066 Banderol South 641629 7002648 493 90 -60 4 NSR
21BNAC067 Banderol South 641603 7002647 492 90 -60 2 NSR
21BNAC068 Banderol South 642753 7002250 502 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC069 Banderol South 642731 7002248 502 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC070 Banderol South 642708 7002246 502 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC071 Banderol South 642682 7002246 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC072 Banderol South 642653 7002245 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC073 Banderol South 642630 7002245 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC074 Banderol South 642608 7002242 499 90 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC075 Banderol South 642581 7002243 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC076 Banderol South 642554 7002243 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC077 Banderol South 642528 7002244 499 90 -60 48 NSR
21BNAC078 Banderol South 642506 7002244 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC079 Banderol South 642482 7002246 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC080 Banderol South 642457 7002246 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC081 Banderol South 642431 7002246 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC082 Banderol South 642407 7002247 500 90 -60 12 NSR
21BNAC083 Banderol South 642332 7002242 498 90 -60 11 NSR
21BNAC084 Banderol South 642304 7002240 497 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC085 Banderol South 642279 7002245 497 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC086 Banderol South 642254 7002246 496 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC087 Banderol South 642230 7002246 496 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC088 Banderol South 642205 7002246 496 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC089 Banderol South 642177 7002245 496 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC090 Banderol South 642152 7002259 496 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC091 Banderol South 642127 7002251 495 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC092 Banderol South 642106 7002245 495 90 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC093 Banderol South 642078 7002242 494 90 -60 39 NSR
21BNAC094 Banderol South 642055 7002247 494 90 -60 23 NSR
21BNAC095 Banderol South 642030 7002249 494 90 -60 38 NSR
21BNAC096 Banderol South 642004 7002247 494 90 -60 17 NSR
21BNAC097 Banderol South 641979 7002246 494 90 -60 23 NSR
21BNAC098 Banderol South 641954 7002246 494 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC099 Banderol South 641930 7002248 495 90 -60 9 NSR
21BNAC100 Banderol South 641905 7002248 495 90 -60 5 NSR
21BNAC101 Banderol South 641881 7002246 495 90 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC102 Banderol South 641854 7002248 495 90 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC103 Banderol South 641831 7002247 494 90 -60 9 NSR
21BNAC104 Banderol South 641804 7002246 493 90 -60 17 NSR
21BNAC105 Banderol South 641778 7002245 492 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC106 Banderol South 641750 7002246 491 90 -60 3 NSR
21BNAC107 Banderol South 641730 7002248 491 90 -60 2 NSR
21BNAC108 Banderol South 641706 7002245 490 90 -60 2 NSR
21BNAC109 Banderol South 641677 7002246 490 90 -60 4 NSR
21BNAC110 Banderol South 641608 7002247 490 90 -60 7 NSR
21BNAC111 Banderol South 641556 7002247 490 90 -60 6 NSR
21BNAC112 Banderol South 641505 7002247 489 90 -60 6 NSR
21BNAC113 Banderol South 642719 7001810 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC114 Banderol South 642703 7001810 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC115 Banderol South 642681 7001810 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC116 Banderol South 642650 7001809 500 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC117 Banderol South 642634 7001807 500 90 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC118 Banderol South 642602 7001808 499 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC119 Banderol South 642576 7001808 499 90 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC120 Banderol South 642551 7001808 498 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC121 Banderol South 642525 7001806 497 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC122 Banderol South 642500 7001805 496 90 -60 25 NSR
21BNAC123 Banderol South 642476 7001807 496 90 -60 34 NSR
21BNAC124 Banderol South 642451 7001807 496 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC125 Banderol South 642429 7001809 495 90 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC126 Banderol South 642404 7001807 495 90 -60 15 NSR
21BNAC127 Banderol South 642351 7001809 495 90 -60 29 NSR
21BNAC128 Banderol South 642328 7001809 495 90 -60 31 NSR


Banderol South










21BNAC130 Banderol South 642278 7001810 494 90 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC131 Banderol South 642253 7001809 494 90 -60 28 NSR
21BNAC132 Banderol South 642230 7001810 494 90 -60 12 NSR
21BNAC133 Banderol South 642201 7001812 493 90 -60 20 NSR
21BNAC134 Banderol South 642181 7001816 493 90 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC135 Banderol South 642154 7001817 493 90 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC136 Banderol South 642130 7001818 493 90 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC137 Banderol South 642097 7001804 492 90 -60 12 NSR
21BNAC138 Banderol South 642077 7001809 492 90 -60 14 NSR
21BNAC139 Banderol South 642057 7001808 492 90 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC140 Banderol South 642030 7001810 492 90 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC141 Banderol South 642004 7001812 492 90 -60 20 NSR
21BNAC142 Banderol South 641979 7001811 491 90 -60 9 NSR
21BNAC143 Banderol South 641957 7001812 491 90 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC144 Banderol South 641934 7001810 491 90 -60 15 NSR
21BNAC145 Banderol South 641904 7001809 490 90 -60 6 NSR
21BNAC146 Banderol South 641877 7001810 490 90 -60 22 NSR
21BNAC147 Banderol South 641856 7001809 490 90 -60 6 NSR
21BNAC148 Banderol South 641828 7001808 490 90 -60 6 NSR
21BNAC149 Banderol South 641804 7001808 490 90 -60 2 NSR
21BNAC150 Banderol South 641752 7001808 490 90 -60 17 NSR
21BNAC151 Banderol South 641723 7001808 490 90 -60 2 NSR
21BNAC152 Banderol South 641677 7001808 490 90 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC153 Banderol South 641654 7001809 490 90 -60 9 NSR
21BNAC154 Banderol South 641630 7001811 490 90 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC155 Banderol South 641579 7001810 490 90 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC156 Banderol South 641551 7001810 490 90 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC157 Banderol South 641527 7001807 490 90 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC158 Junction 642744 7000343 506 90 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC159 Junction 642718 7000347 509 90 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC160 Junction 642696 7000345 508 90 -60 22 NSR
21BNAC161 Junction 642671 7000350 505 90 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC162 Junction 642652 7000352 505 90 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC163 Junction 642623 7000355 505 90 -60 14 NSR
21BNAC164 Junction 642598 7000356 507 90 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC165 Junction 642574 7000355 508 90 -60 21 NSR
21BNAC166 Junction 642555 7000353 507 90 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC167 Junction 642538 7000354 505 90 -60 34 NSR
21BNAC168 Junction 642512 7000352 504 90 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC169 Junction 642489 7000352 505 90 -60 38 NSR
21BNAC170 Junction 642463 7000354 504 90 -60 39 NSR
21BNAC171 Junction 642443 7000353 506 90 -60 33 NSR
21BNAC172 Junction 642417 7000354 504 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC173 Junction 642394 7000353 503 90 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC174 Junction 642367 7000355 501 90 -60 22 NSR
21BNAC175 Junction 642346 7000354 505 90 -60 4 NSR
21BNAC176 Junction 642321 7000353 504 90 -60 9 NSR
21BNAC177 Junction 642297 7000358 502 90 -60 17 NSR
21BNAC178 Junction 642272 7000354 504 90 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC179 Junction 642250 7000353 505 90 -60 12 NSR
21BNAC180 Junction 642222 7000350 504 90 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC181 Junction 642194 7000343 502 90 -60 5 NSR
21BNAC182 Junction 642169 7000347 500 90 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC183 Junction 642148 7000352 505 90 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC184 Junction 642127 7000352 501 90 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC185 Junction 642101 7000357 502 90 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC186 Junction 642074 7000354 502 90 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC187 Junction 642044 7000347 504 90 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC188 Junction 642024 7000347 502 90 -60 6 NSR
21BNAC189 Junction 642001 7000352 502 90 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC190 Junction 641973 7000352 503 90 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC191 Junction 641945 7000351 504 90 -60 11 NSR
21BNAC192 Junction 641925 7000352 500 90 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC193 Junction 641898 7000345 502 90 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC194 Junction 641879 7000344 501 90 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC195 Junction 641847 7000347 500 90 -60 46 NSR
21BNAC196 Junction 641827 7000352 502 90 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC197 Junction 641799 7000352 501 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC198 Junction 641782 7000354 502 90 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC199 Junction 642147 6998750 505 180 -60 7 NSR
21BNAC200 Junction 642148 6998770 507 180 -60 7 NSR
21BNAC201 Junction 642152 6998799 508 180 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC202 Junction 642155 6998824 510 180 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC203 Junction 642155 6998846 510 180 -60 7 NSR
21BNAC204 Junction 642155 6998871 509 180 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC205 Junction 642156 6998894 508 180 -60 8 NSR
21BNAC206 Junction 642157 6998924 512 180 -60 7 NSR
21BNAC207 Junction 642158 6998947 509 180 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC208 Junction 642155 6998969 512 180 -60 13 NSR
21BNAC209 Junction 642157 6998999 509 180 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC210 Junction 642155 6999029 511 180 -60 34 NSR
21BNAC211 Junction 642155 6999052 510 180 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC212 Junction 642155 6999078 512 180 -60 34 NSR


















21BNAC214 Junction 642154 6999127 510 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC215 Junction 642154 6999155 510 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC216 Junction 642153 6999178 512 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC217 Junction 642152 6999202 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC218 Junction 642153 6999227 513 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC219 Junction 642153 6999258 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC220 Junction 642152 6999281 512 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC221 Junction 642151 6999308 510 180 -60 28 NSR
21BNAC222 Junction 642149 6999337 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC223 Junction 642148 6999355 509 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC224 Junction 642148 6999378 510 180 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC225 Junction 642149 6999403 509 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC226 Junction 642150 6999429 508 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC227 Junction 642152 6999454 509 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC228 Junction 642151 6999481 509 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC229 Junction 642152 6999509 512 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC230 Junction 642154 6999532 511 180 -60 29 NSR
21BNAC231 Junction 642153 6999559 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC232 Junction 642153 6999581 512 180 -60 29 NSR
21BNAC233 Junction 642157 6999606 514 180 -60 23 NSR
21BNAC234 Junction 642154 6999630 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC235 Junction 642156 6999650 510 180 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC236 Junction 642154 6999679 512 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC237 Junction 642156 6999709 513 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC238 Junction 642156 6999731 513 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC239 Junction 642158 6999750 515 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC240 Junction 642157 6999777 514 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC241 Junction 642155 6999802 512 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC242 Junction 642158 6999823 513 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC243 Junction 642156 6999852 512 180 -60 21 NSR
21BNAC244 Junction 642158 6999878 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC245 Junction 642156 6999894 514 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC246 Junction 642156 6999919 510 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC247 Junction 642156 6999949 510 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC248 Junction 642155 6999969 509 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC249 Junction 642156 6999995 510 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC250 Junction 642157 7000022 510 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC251 Junction 642158 7000043 509 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC252 Junction 642157 7000070 511 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC253 Junction 642152 7000103 511 180 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC254 Junction 640498 6998647 505 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC255 Junction 640496 6998670 505 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC256 Junction 640496 6998692 505 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC257 Junction 640496 6998716 505 180 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC258 Junction 640496 6998740 505 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC259 Junction 640495 6998771 504 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC260 Junction 640497 6998796 503 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC261 Junction 640496 6998825 503 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC262 Junction 640495 6998848 506 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC263 Junction 640496 6998873 505 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC264 Junction 640494 6998899 504 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC265 Junction 640495 6998924 504 180 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC266 Junction 640494 6998947 505 180 -60 22 NSR
21BNAC267 Junction 640493 6998970 504 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC268 Junction 640493 6998993 504 180 -60 17 NSR
21BNAC269 Junction 640496 6999023 504 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC270 Junction 640498 6999049 504 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC271 Junction 640499 6999076 502 180 -60 16 NSR
21BNAC272 Junction 640498 6999097 503 180 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC273 Junction 640500 6999117 503 180 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC274 Junction 640500 6999144 502 180 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC275 Junction 640502 6999169 502 180 -60 25 NSR
21BNAC276 Junction 640501 6999198 501 180 -60 28 NSR
21BNAC277 Junction 640502 6999222 501 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC278 Junction 640503 6999245 499 180 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC279 Junction 640504 6999274 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC280 Junction 640503 6999300 500 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC281 Junction 640503 6999322 502 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC282 Junction 640503 6999349 501 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC283 Junction 640503 6999372 500 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC284 Junction 640505 6999395 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC285 Junction 640504 6999419 502 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC286 Junction 640507 6999443 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC287 Junction 640507 6999468 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC288 Junction 640507 6999498 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC289 Junction 640505 6999521 500 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC290 Junction 640506 6999548 498 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC291 Junction 640503 6999577 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC292 Junction 640501 6999603 502 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC293 Junction 640499 6999626 501 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC294 Junction 640500 6999649 500 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC295 Junction 641347 6999348 496 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC296 Junction 641343 6999368 498 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC297 Junction 641346 6999389 496 180 -60 38 NSR
21BNAC298 Junction 641346 6999420 497 180 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC299 Junction 641345 6999445 498 180 -60 25 NSR
21BNAC300 Junction 641345 6999475 498 180 -60 23 NSR
21BNAC301 Junction 641347 6999500 501 180 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC302 Junction 641347 6999522 499 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC303 Junction 641347 6999549 500 180 -60 25 NSR
21BNAC304 Junction 641345 6999572 502 180 -60 26 NSR
21BNAC305 Junction 641348 6999592 501 180 -60 24 NSR
21BNAC306 Junction 641348 6999621 500 180 -60 28 NSR
21BNAC307 Junction 641352 6999641 502 180 -60 29 NSR
21BNAC308 Junction 639703 6998651 500 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC309 Junction 639701 6998671 500 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC310 Junction 639705 6998722 500 180 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC311 Junction 639700 6998771 499 180 -60 25 NSR
21BNAC312 Junction 639698 6998821 499 180 -60 29 NSR
21BNAC313 Junction 639696 6998872 500 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC314 Junction 639698 6998916 501 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC315 Junction 639697 6998972 502 180 -60 37 NSR
21BNAC316 Junction 639697 6999017 499 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC317 Junction 639701 6999071 499 180 -60 33 NSR
21BNAC318 Junction 639698 6999124 497 180 -60 50 NSR
21BNAC319 Junction 639699 6999146 499 180 -60 72 NSR
21BNAC320 Junction 639700 6999172 499 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC321 Junction 639701 6999198 498 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC322 Junction 639702 6999220 499 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC323 Junction 639703 6999244 499 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC324 Junction 639702 6999282 497 180 -60 42 NSR
21BNAC325 Junction 639701 6999316 499 180 -60 25 NSR
21BNAC326 Junction 639699 6999337 499 180 -60 39 NSR

Hole ID Target Easting Northing RL Azi Dip EOH (m) Depth From (m) Depth To (m) Length (m) Au grade (g/t)
21BNAC327 Junction 639693 6999377 498 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC328 Junction 639689 6999420 500 180 -60 34 NSR
21BNAC329 Junction 639690 6999447 498 180 -60 36 NSR
21BNAC330 Junction 639691 6999477 499 180 -60 31 NSR
21BNAC331 Junction 639692 6999497 502 180 -60 33 NSR
21BNAC332 Junction 639693 6999519 500 180 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC333 Junction 639694 6999568 500 180 -60 23 NSR
21BNAC334 Junction 639698 6999642 500 180 -60 10 NSR
21BNAC335 Junction 641357 6998646 495 180 -60 31 NSR
21BNAC336 Junction 641364 6998695 495 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC337 Junction 641353 6998741 495 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC338 Junction 641352 6998795 498 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC339 Junction 641360 6998853 495 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC340 Junction 641354 6998893 496 180 -60 19 NSR
21BNAC341 Junction 641357 6998950 498 180 -60 35 NSR
21BNAC342 Junction 641359 6998974 495 180 -60 32 NSR
21BNAC343 Junction 641360 6998994 498 180 -60 40 NSR
21BNAC344 Junction 641351 6999028 494 180 -60 30 NSR
21BNAC345 Junction 641349 6999070 494 180 -60 18 NSR
21BNAC346 Junction 641351 6999123 497 180 -60 28 NSR
21BNAC347 Junction 641353 6999174 495 180 -60 28 NSR
21BNAC348 Junction 641345 6999211 493 180 -60 33 NSR
21BNAC349 Junction 641345 6999273 494 180 -60 36 NSR

Primary Logo