Mayfair Gold: Led by an Experienced Team Founded on Strong Management

Patrick Evans, President, CEO & Director

Patrick Evans has over 20 years of senior management experience at public mining companies, he has discovered, developed, and operated mines across four continents. Patrick has served as CEO of Dominion Diamonds, Mountain Province Diamonds, Kennady Diamonds, Norsemont Mining (acquired by Hudbay), Weda Bay Minerals (acquired by Eramet S.A.), Southern Platinum (acquired by Lonmin Plc), and Southern Era Resources (acquired by Mwana Africa). he also served as Vice President for Placer Dome Inc. Mr. Evans is chairman of Pan Global Resources and Mirasol Resources.

Mayfair Gold

Mayfair Gold is an exploration-stage company dedicated to the discovery and development of gold projects in Canada. Our principal venture is operating the Fenn-Gib Gold Project, located on the prolific Timmins Gold Camp in Ontario, Canada. The surrounding mines in the area have produced upwards of 70 million ounces of gold within the last century.

“Timmins is the very best place in the world to mine for gold.”

– Patrick Evans

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Mayfair Gold




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Mayfair Gold: Led by an Experienced Team Founded on Strong Management

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