Fortuna drills 16.5 g/t gold over 6.3 meters at Séguéla and provides exploration update

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (NYSE: FSM) (TSX: FVI)

is pleased to provide an overview of its exploration programs in Latin America and West Africa.

Paul Weedon, Senior Vice President of Exploration, commented, “With 12 drill rigs turning across the portfolio, the steady pace of exploration across all our major properties continues to deliver very encouraging results.” Mr. Weedon continued, “These include highlights such as 16.5 g/t gold over 6.3 meters from drill hole SGRC1366 from the growing Sunbird Prospect at Séguéla, and the 0.6 g/t gold and 0.18% copper over an estimated true width of 68 meters from surface intersected in drill hole ARD046 adjacent to the Arizaro Project, through to one of the deepest holes drilled at Caylloma, drill hole ANIM087921, returning 93 g/t silver, 4.83% lead and 7.81% zinc over an estimated true width of 20.48 meters from nearly 900 meters below surface and where it remains open.”

Séguéla gold Project, Côte d’Ivoire

Sunbird Prospect assay highlights include:

  • SGRD1365:

    9.4 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 7 meters from 197 meters

  • SGRD1366:

    17.5 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 6.3 meters from 205 meters

  • SGRD1367:

    14.8 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 1.4 meters from 214 meters and 52.2 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 1.4 meters from 242 meters

  • SGRD1368

    : 3.4 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 3.5 meters from 269 meters

  • SGRD1370:

    8.0 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 8.4 meters from 241 meters

  • SGRD1376:

    6.5 g/t gold over an estimated true width of 10.5 meters from 143 meters

Exploration drilling at the Séguéla gold Project continues to advance the Sunbird Prospect with a recently completed 13-hole, 3,059-meter program testing the continuity and tenor of mineralization at depth and along strike to the south. Drilling at depth was designed to test projections of previous high-grade results a further 100 to 150 meters down plunge in the central zone and help refine the understanding of the structural controls (refer to

Fortuna news release dated September 7, 2021


Drilling to the south extended drill defined mineralization a further 50 meters, helping refine the structural controls, with this area remaining open along strike and down-plunge. The geometry and style of mineralization is consistent with that seen at the Koula and Ancien deposits, located 1.5 kilometers and 5 kilometers to the north and south respectively, both of which are hosted in similar structural settings within the same lithology package.

Geological logging of the drill core identified numerous intervals containing 5 to greater than 20 visible gold specks of up to 2-millimeter diameter, with the characteristics of the mineralization consistent with previous drilling at Sunbird. Three of the six holes for which assays are pending, refer to Appendix 1, also recorded between 5 and 10 visible gold specks in the mineralized intervals; refer to

Figure 1


Figure 1:

Sunbird Prospect long-section looking west showing recent drilling results

The mineralization remains open at depth and further drilling is planned in 2022 to further define the extent of the mineralization. Results received to date for this program are listed in

Appendix 1


Arizaro gold Project, Lindero Mine, Argentina

Central Zone assay highlights include:

  • ARD45:

    0.47 g/t Au and 0.16% Cu over an estimated true width of 73 meters from 44 meter downhole

  • ARD46:

    0.61 g/t Au and 0.18% Cu over an estimated true width of 68 meters from surface; ended in mineralization at 200-meter downhole

The Arizaro Project is located within the Lindero mining concession, 3.2 kilometers southeast of the Lindero Mine. Previous exploration and drilling identified near surface porphyry-style gold-copper mineralization hosted in magnetite and biotite-rich breccia zones and in associated stockwork veins with two dominant structural trends (refer to

Fortuna release dated February 14, 2019



A 1,178-meter, 6-hole drilling program testing a reinterpretation of key mineralizing features across the Central and SW Targets, located approximately 200 meters and 350 meters, respectively, to the west south-west of the main Arizaro mineralization was completed in August. Two holes testing the Central Target successfully intersected extensive zones of biotite-rich brecciation and north-east trending sheeted quartz veining with associated pyrite and visible copper mineralization. Subsequent logging of drill hole ARD46 showed it was drilled oblique to the interpreted dominant quartz vein orientation with the hole ending in mineralization at 200 meters downhole for a true width of 68 meters; refer to

Figure 2


Figure 2:

Arizaro Project plan view with selected highlights

Additional drilling and surface trenching is planned during December to further define the extent of the mineralization. Results received to date for this program are listed in

Appendix 2


San Jose Mine, Mexico

Assay highlights include:

  • SJOM1053 (VMZ)

    : 290 g/t Ag and 2.00 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 1.5 meters

  • SJOM1088 (Magdalena)

    : 245 g/t Ag and 1.41 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 4.6 meters

  • SJOM1091 (Magdalena)

    : 506 g/t Ag and 2.61 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 1.7 meters

  • SJOM1103 (San Ignacio)

    : 209 g/t Ag and 1.47 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 1.1 meters

  • SJOM1105 (Magdalena)

    : 302 g/t Ag and 0.77 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 1.8 meters including 1,010 g/t Ag over 0.5 meters

Step-out exploration drilling from underground platforms ahead of production at San Jose has continued to define continuity of key mineralized structures, with 25,064 meters drilled in 59 holes since March 2021, targeting the Bonanza Hanging wall (Bhw), Trinidad Norte and Victoria mineralized zone (VMZ) structures; refer to

Figure 3


Figure 4


Figure 5

. In addition to the underground drilling, testing of two target zones to the north and south of the mine was successful in identifying additional mineralized structures with drilling continuing.

Development of underground drill platforms and associated infrastructure also continued with the establishment of the first drill stations which will enable testing of the projected northern strike extensions of the Trinidad system, including the untested down-dip projection of a surface silicified outcrop.

Refer to

Appendix 3

for details of the additional San Jose drill holes completed since March 2021.

Figure 3:

Bonanza Hanging wall long-section looking west showing recent drilling results

Figure 4:

Trinidad Norte long-section looking west showing recent drilling results

Figure 5:

Victoria mineralized zone (VMZ) long-section looking west showing recent drilling results

Yaramoko Mine, Burkina Faso

Assay Highlights include:

  • YRM-20-RC-109-036:

    3.0 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 7.7 meters (Min Zone 2)

  • YRM-20-RC-109-038:

    11.2 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 2.8 meters (Min Zone 2)

  • YRM-21-RC-109-053:

    3.4 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 6.3 meters (Min Zone 1)

  • YRM-21-RC-109-056:

    4.2 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 4.9 meters (Min Zone 1)

  • YRM-21-RC-109-058:

    14.7 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 4.9 meters (Min Zone 1)

  • YRM-21-RC-109-062:

    3.8 g/t Au over an estimated true width of 4.9 meters (Min Zone 1)

Exploration drilling at Yaramoko has continued to advance the 109 Zone near surface prospect, located approximately 1.5 kilometers north-west of the Yaramoko mill, with 108 RC holes completed during the period April to October for a total of 8,201 meters. Drilling has targeted a 1-kilometer-long zone of sheared mafic volcanics and associated quartz veining situated within the Yaramoko Shear Zone, which hosts the 55 Zone and Bagassi South Mines, with three discrete zones of mineralization identified (refer to

Figure 6

: Min Zone 1, 2 and 3).

Figure 6

: 109 Zone plan view with selected highlights

Results received to date for this program are listed in

Appendix 4


Caylloma Mine, Peru

Animas NE vein assay highlights include:

  • ANIM086321:

    60 g/t Ag, 5.51% Pb and 6.22% Zn over an estimated true width of 7.2 meters

  • ANIM084321:

    51 g/t Ag, 2.94% Pb and 5.23% Zn over an estimated true width of 5.8 meters

  • ANIM084721:

    106 g/t Ag, 2.34% Pb and 3.13% Zn over an estimated true width of 11.8 meters

  • ANIM085521:

    159 g/t Ag, 2.92% Pb and 1.44% Zn over an estimated true width of 6.1 meters

  • ANIM087321:

    76 g/t Ag, 4.35% Pb and 7.45% Zn over an estimated true width of 11.3 meters

  • ANIM087921:

    93 g/t Ag, 4.83% Pb and 7.81% Zn over an estimated true width of 20.5 meters

Exploration drilling at Caylloma continued throughout 2021 totaling 10,121 meters in 26 diamond drill holes, testing the depth continuity of the greater than 3-kilometer-long Animas NE silver-polymetallic vein system, and the strike potential further to the north-east beyond the intersection of the Nancy vein.

Further to previously reported successful step-out drilling results at the Animas NE vein (refer to

Fortuna news release dated February 14, 2019

), drilling continues to intersect mineralized shoots up to 200 meters beyond the current Resource boundary, extending known mineralization more than 900 meters below surface along the 3 kilometer long Animas NE vein, where it remains open at depth and along strike (

Figures 7



). Drilling has primarily focussed on extending Ore Shoots 3 and 4 at depth, as well as testing for strike extension beyond the Nancy vein intersection and further north-east into the sediments of the basement Yura Group. Full results for the 2021 drilling program are listed in




Figure 7

: Animas NE vein long-section showing recent results from Oreshoot 3 (view is looking northwest)

Figure 8

: Animas NE vein long-section showing recent results from Oreshoot 4 (view is looking northwest)

Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA-QC)

Latin America

Following detailed geological and geotechnical logging, drill core samples are split on-site by diamond sawing. One half of the core is submitted to the ALS Global Laboratory in Lima, Peru, for samples from the Caylloma Mine, the ALS Global Laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, for samples from the San Jose Mine and the ALS Global Laboratory in Mendoza, Argentina, for samples from the Arizaro Project. The remaining half core is retained on-site for verification and reference purposes. Following preparation, the samples are assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay methods and for silver and base metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma and atomic absorption methods utilizing aqua regia digestion at the ALS Global Laboratory in Lima, Peru, for samples from the Caylloma Mine and the Arizaro Project, and at the ALS Global Laboratory in Vancouver, BC, Canada, for samples from the San Jose Mine. The QA-QC program includes the blind insertion of certified reference standards and assay blanks at a frequency of approximately 1 per 20 normal samples as well as the inclusion of duplicate samples for verification of sampling and assay precision levels.

West Africa

All drilling data completed by the Company utilized the following procedures and methodologies. All drilling was carried out under the supervision of the Company’s personnel.

All RC drilling at Séguéla used a 5.25-inch face sampling pneumatic hammer with samples collected into 60-liter plastic bags. Samples were kept dry by maintaining enough air pressure to exclude groundwater inflow. If water ingress exceeded the air pressure, RC drilling was stopped, and drilling converted to diamond core tails. Once collected, RC samples were riffle split through a three-tier splitter to yield a 12.5% representative sample for submission to the analytical laboratory. The residual 87.5% sample were stored at the drill site until assay results were received and validated. Coarse reject samples for all mineralized samples corresponding to significant intervals are retained and stored on-site at the company-controlled core yard.

All DD drill holes at Séguéla were drilled with HQ sized diamond drill bits. The core was logged, marked up for sampling using standard lengths of one meter or to a geological boundary. Samples were then cut into equal halves using a diamond saw. One half of the core was left in the original core box and stored in a secure location at the company core yard at the relevant project site (Séguéla or Yaramoko). The other half was sampled, catalogued and placed into sealed bags and securely stored at the site until shipment.

All Séguéla RC and DD core samples were shipped to ALS Laboratories preparation laboratory in Yamoussoukro for preparation while all Yaramoko samples were direct shipped to ALS Laboratories in Ouagadougou for preparation. Séguéla samples were shipped via commercial courier to ALS’s facility in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Routine gold analysis using a 50-gram charge and fire assay with an atomic absorption finish was completed for all Yaramoko and Séguéla samples. Quality control procedures included the systematic insertion of blanks, duplicates and sample standards into the sample stream. In addition, the ALS laboratory inserted its own quality control samples.

Qualified Person

Paul Weedon, Senior Vice President of Exploration for Fortuna Silver Mines Inc., is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 being a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (Membership #6001). Mr. Weedon has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Weedon has verified the data disclosed, and the sampling, analytical and test data underlying the information or opinions contained herein by reviewing geochemical and geological databases and reviewing diamond drill core.  There were no limitations to the verification process.

About Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. is a Canadian precious metals mining company with four operating mines in Argentina, Burkina Faso, Mexico and Peru, and a fifth mine under construction in Côte d’Ivoire. Sustainability is integral to all our operations and relationships. We produce gold and silver and generate shared value over the long-term for our stakeholders through efficient production, environmental protection, and social responsibility. For more information, please visit our




Jorge A. Ganoza

President, CEO and Director

Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.

Investor Relations: Carlos Baca |

Forward looking Statements

This news release contains forward looking statements which constitute “forward looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and “forward looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (collectively, “Forward looking Statements”). All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are Forward looking Statements and are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the Forward looking Statements. The Forward looking Statements in this news release may include, without limitation, statements about the Company’s plans for its mines and mineral properties; the anticipated exploration and other development programs at its properties, together with the investment, nature, implementation and timing thereof; the timing for, and anticipated results of any exploration programs to expand mineralization at the properties; the Company’s business strategy, plans and outlook; the merit of the Company’s mines and mineral properties; mineral resource and reserve estimates; timelines; the future financial or operating performance of the Company; expenditures; approvals and other matters. Often, but not always, these Forward looking Statements can be identified by the use of words such as “estimated”, “potential”, “open”, “future”, “assumed”, “projected”, “used”, “detailed”, “has been”, “gain”, “planned”, “reflecting”, “will”, “containing”, “remaining”, “to be”, or statements that events, “could” or “should” occur or be achieved and similar expressions, including negative variations.

Forward looking Statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the Forward looking Statements. Such uncertainties and factors include, among others, changes in general economic conditions and financial markets; the duration and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our operations and workforce and the effects on the global economy and society; changes in prices for silver, gold and other metals; technological and operational hazards in Fortuna’s mining and mine development activities; risks inherent in mineral exploration; fluctuations in prices for energy, labour, materials, supplies and services; fluctuations in currencies; uncertainties inherent in the estimation of mineral reserves, mineral resources, and metal recoveries; our ability to obtain all necessary permits, licences and regulatory approvals in a timely manner, including an extension to the environmental impact authorization for the San Jose Mine; governmental and other approvals; political unrest or instability in countries where Fortuna is active; labor relations issues; as well as those factors discussed under “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Information Form. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in Forward looking Statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended.

Forward looking Statements contained herein are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management, including but not limited to expectations regarding mine production costs; expected trends in mineral prices and currency exchange rates; the accuracy of the Company’s current mineral resource and reserve estimates; that the Company’s activities will be in accordance with the Company’s public statements and stated goals; that there will be no material adverse change affecting the Company or its properties; that all required approvals will be obtained, including an extension to the environmental impact authorization for the San Jose Mine; that there will be no significant disruptions affecting operations and such other assumptions as set out herein. Forward looking Statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any Forward looking Statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by law. There can be no assurance that Forward looking Statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, investors should not place undue reliance on Forward looking Statements.


Séguéla gold Project, Côte d’Ivoire: Sunbird Prospect drill results


Easting (WGS84_29N)

Northing (WGS84_29N)




Depth (m)

UTM Azimuth


Depth From (m)

Depth To (m)

Interval (m)

Estimated True Width (m)

Au (ppm)

Hole Type


SGRD1365 742735 893385 478 249.5 85 -60 197 207 10 7 9.4 RCD
including 198 200 2 1.4 19.6 RCD
and 202 203 1 0.7 25.5 RCD
SGRD1366 742720 893285 475 250.5 85 -60 205 214 9 6.3 17.5 RCD
including 205 206 1 0.7 14.1 RCD
and 212 214 2 1.4 61.0 RCD
SGRD1367 742705 893185 483 255.5 85 -60 214 216 2 1.4 14.8 RCD
228 232 4 2.8 1.8 RCD
242 244 2 1.4 52.2 RCD
SGRD1368 742680 893085 498 285.5 85 -60 269 274 5 3.5 3.4 RCD
SGRC1369 742560 892660 558 375.5 85 -60 349 350 1 0.7 26.9 RCD
SGRD1370 742620 892660 564 259.5 85 -60 241 253 12 8.4 8.0 RCD
incl. 241 243 2 1.4 24.1 RCD
and 244 245 1 0.7 10.8 RCD
and 252 253 1 0.7 10.3 RCD
SGRD1371 742895 893136 526 237.5 270 -60 Pending RCD
SGRD1372 742914 893190 528 273.5 270 -60 Pending RCD
SGRD1373 742899 893236 521 204.5 270 -60 Pending RCD
SGRD1374 742908 893289 515 231.5 270 -60 Pending RCD
SGRD1375 742928 893289 515 252.4 270 -60 Pending RCD
SGRD1376 742781 893439 489 183.5 90 -60 143 158 15 10.5 6.5 RCD
including 153 154 1 0.7 19.1 RCD
and 156 157 1 0.7 11.8 RCD
SGRD1377 742754 893344 479 90 -60 Re-Entry



  1. EOH: End of hole
  2. RCD: RC pre-collar, diamond core tail
  3. Re-entry: drill hole re-entered and deepened


Lindero Mine, Argentina: Arizaro gold Project drill results

Drill Hole



Azimuth (°)

Dip (°)

From (m)

To (m)




Estimated True Width


Au (g/t)

Cu (%)
ARD-42 2625252 7223658 0.0 -60.0 8 10 2 0.71 0.35
132 142 10 0.30 0.10
160 164 4 0.53 0.04
ARD-43 2625391 7223717 0.0 -60.5 26 30 4 0.57 0.15
106 136 30 0.27 0.14
ARD-44 2625164 7223613 0.0 -62.0 no significant results
ARD-45 2625490 7223893 90.0 -60.0 0 14 14 0.48 0.19
44 190 146 73 0.47 0.16
includes 48 114 66 33 0.60 0.19
ARD-46 2625480 7223936 100.0 -69.5 0 200 200 68 0.61 0.18
includes 68 92 24 8 0.83 0.2
and 138 200 62 21 0.85 0.24
ARD-47 2625192 7223761 90.0 -60.0 176 194 18 0.54 0.23
includes 190 194 4 1.62 0.54


  1. Down-the-hole intervals; orientation of the mineralization has not been established and therefore accurate true widths in all intervals cannot be estimated at this time. ARD-45 and ARD-46 are estimates only. ARD-46 ended in mineralization


San Jose Mine, Mexico: Drill holes completed since March 2021

Drill Hole



Azimuth (°)

Dip (°)

Hole Depth From To Interval ETW ¹ Ag Au Project

Ag Eq

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
SJO-1015 747950 1844603 56 -49 694.1 NSI

SJO-1018 745889 1847614 295 -67 842.0 NSI

SJOM-1019 745250 1847553 280 13 45.3 Aborted

SJOM-1019A 745250 1847553 280 15 45.9 TVFW
SJOM-1024 745249 1847552 280 17 451.8 NSI

SJO-1027 745889 1847614 270 -70 806.6 652.70 655.55 2.85 2.2 51 0.83 VMZ_HW 113
SJO-1031 747951 1844603 81 -45 840.1 NSI

SJOM-1032 745299 1847601 75 13 200.3 80.50 81.05 0.55 0.5 40 0.33 VMZ_S 65
SJOM-1036 745299 1847599 110 5 200.9 163.00 164.60 1.60 1.0 47 0.58 VMZ_S 91
and 194.30 195.50 1.20 0.8 104 0.89 171
SJO-1037 745900 1847820 244 -57 802.8 NSI

SJOM-1038 745023 1848006 59 10 353.0 NSI

SJOM-1039 745269 1847786 273 11 500.7 NSI

SJOM-1042 745023 1848005 71 28 350.4 NSI

SJOM-1046 744979 1848369 303 -41 39.0 Aborted MAGDALENA
SJOM-1046A 744979 1848369 303 -41 499.5 417.55 419.85 2.30 1.8 121 0.33 MAGDALENA 146
and 423.25 425.4 2.10 1.6 77 0.21 92
and 425.95 426.45 0.50 0.4 57 0.17 70
and 427.00 427.35 0.35 0.3 69 0.21 84
and 471.40 473.40 2.00 1.6 77 0.42 109
SJOM-1047 745022 1848004 97 27 390.2 217.00 217.50 0.50 0.4 228 1.08 VMZ_N 309
and 230.40 232.10 1.70 1.5 163 1.77 296
SJOM-1049 745268 1847787 287 8 567.5 NSI

SJOM-1052 745023 1848003 115 26 434.4 NSI

SJO-1053 745902 1847352 268 -45 654.9 630.20 634.30 4.10 1.5 290 2.00 VMZ_HW 441
Including 631.50 633.20 1.70 0.6 691 4.78 1051
SJO-1061 748194 1844973 108 -45 608.5 NSI

SJOM-1062 745019 1848005 302 -60 439.3 NSI

SJOM-1065 745018 1848004 281 -62 351.0 112.70 113.30 0.60 0.3 50 0.50 MAGDALENA 88
and 118.40 120.40 2.00 1.0 136 1.38 240
and 237.45 237.75 0.30 0.2 39 0.41 70
and 271.30 276.75 5.45 2.8 98 0.49 135
Including 272.35 275.00 2.65 1.4 146 0.72 201
SJO-1066 745912 1847355 69 -44 627.8 NSI

SJOM-1068 745268 1847786 270 -11 476.9 NSI

SJOM-1069 744980 1848369 292 -48 544.4 380.80 381.60 0.80 0.6 84 0.31 MAGDALENA 107
SJOM-1070 745015 1848008 295 -27 204.1 150.20 150.55 0.35 0.2 193 1.56 MAGDALENA 311
and 153.20 156.25 3.05 1.9 129 0.59 173
Including 154.85 156.25 1.40 0.9 199 0.87 265
and 161.35 161.75 0.40 0.3 147 0.68 198
SJOM-1070A 745016 1848008 296 -27 406.2 153.60 160.55 6.95 4.0 77 0.38 MAGDALENA 106
Including 153.60 154.80 1.20 0.7 248 1.06 328
and 228.40 230.50 2.10 1.2 243 0.82 305
SJO-1073 745902 1847352 266 -51 781.5 NSI

SJOM-1074 745268 1847786 280 -25 459.9 413.40 413.85 0.45 0.4 65 0.45 TVFW 99
SJOM-1075 744979 1848368 276 -51 505.5 NSI

SJO-1077 745227 1846388 57 -50 451.7 207.20 207.80 0.60 0.4 372 7.79 SAN IGNACIO 959
SJOM-1078 745016 1848007 286 -56 373.9 261.05 261.80 0.75 0.4 99 0.55 MAGDALENA 140
and 271.95 273.00 1.05 0.5 73 0.46 108
SJO-1080 745902 1847352 261 -47 588.0 421.70 422.25 0.55 0.4 72 0.71 VMZ_HW 125
SJOM-1081 744979 1848367 276 -41 450.4 NSI

SJOM-1082 745093 1847080 84 0 218.4 141.20 141.55 0.35 0.3 111 0.58 BONANZA_HW 155
and 165.75 167.05 1.30 1.2 59 0.26 79
SJO-1084 745227 1846390 36 -47 318.9 50.90 51.90 1.00 0.4 56 0.82 SAN IGNACIO 118
SJO-1087 745229 1846388 83 -58 402.0 194.05 195.10 1.05 0.4 152 1.91 SAN IGNACIO 296
and 395.60 396.15 0.55 0.2 163 0.72 217
SJOM-1088 745017 1848007 287 -39 350.8 148.00 148.75 0.75 0.6 72 0.02 MAGDALENA 73
and 155.70 156.35 0.65 0.5 58 0.45 92
and 159.90 161.05 1.15 0.9 43 0.39 72
and 162.50 168.40 5.90 4.6 245 1.41 351
and 251.10 252.40 1.30 1.0 127 0.80 187
SJOM-1089 744979 1848368 260 -50 415.4 NSI

SJOM-1090 745093 1847078 100 0 215.3 NSI

SJOM-1091 744978 1848186 276 -32 334.6 168.20 171.30 3.10 1.7 506 2.61 MAGDALENA 703
and 172.90 173.40 0.50 0.3 146 0.96 218
and 174.65 175.10 0.45 0.2 275 1.30 373
and 225.95 226.90 0.95 0.5 44 0.35 70
SJO-1092 745478 1845518 243 -46 429.8 139.50 139.85 0.35 0.2 99 0.14 SAN IGNACIO 110
SJO-1093 745225 1846390 273 -64 272.0 19.15 21.75 2.60 1.0 101 1.30 SAN IGNACIO 199
SJOM-1094 745093 1847079 66 4 235.3 130.75 131.70 0.95 0.6 75 0.57 BONANZA_HW 118
and 147.80 148.25 0.45 0.3 88 0.25 107
and 171.70 172.80 1.10 1.0 73 0.32 97
SJOM-1095 744979 1848367 268 3 438.5 NSI

SJO-1096 745383 1845880 269 -61 421.7 224.05 226.65 2.60 1.8 178 1.21 SAN IGNACIO 269
and 277.25 277.85 0.60 0.4 304 2.07 460
SJOM-1097 745092 1847080 70 -9 223.5 168.35 169.00 0.65 0.6 247 3.33 BONANZA_HW 498
SJOM-1098 744980 1848370 313 -44 620.9 NSI

SJOM-1099A 744979 1848186 275 -63 392.0 135.10 139.45 4.35 1.9 67 0.35 MAGDALENA 93
and 143.00 143.70 0.70 0.3 499 1.95 646
and 224.30 226.70 2.40 1.1 164 1.32 263
SJO-1100A 745475 1845522 279 -46 420.6 Pending SAN IGNACIO
SJOM-1101 745093 1847080 80 -24 282.9 NSI

SJOM-1102 744979 1848187 273 -78 458.2 190.20 193.05 2.85 1.4 54 0.21 MAGDALENA 70
and 248.10 248.40 0.30 0.2 77 0.65 126
and 391.10 392.40 1.30 0.7 55 0.26 75
and 447.50 447.95 0.45 0.2 54 0.32 78
SJOM-1102A 744979 1848187 273 -78 314.7 243.35 243.75 0.40 0.2 171 1.73 MAGDALENA 301
and 250.40 250.95 0.55 0.3 155 1.23 247
and 418.95 420.20 1.25 0.6 52 0.30 75
and 425.35 425.65 0.30 0.2 102 0.52 141
and 429.45 431.30 1.85 0.9 69 0.34 94
SJO-1103 745384 1845879 288 -66 418.8 82.50 86.10 3.60 0.8 118 0.81 SAN IGNACIO 179
and 92.10 93.50 1.40 0.3 48 0.40 78
and 243.40 248.10 4.70 1.1 209 1.47 320
SJOM-1105 744980 1848371 316 -49 652.2 206.00 208.00 2.00 1.1 74 0.02 MAGDALENA 75
and 454.25 457.35 3.10 1.8 302 0.77 360
Including 455.75 456.65 0.90 0.5 1,010 2.58 1204
and 502.00 502.30 0.30 0.2 118 0.54 158
SJO-1106 745542 1846098 232 -65 640.2 Pending SAN IGNACIO
SJOM-1107 744980 1848370 304 -59 600.6 491.20 492.00 0.80 0.5 82 0.54 MAGDALENA 123
and 495.40 496.60 1.20 0.7 67 0.58 110
and 508.50 508.95 0.45 0.3 319 1.24 412
SJOM-1108 744978 1848186 249 -54 Pending SAN IGNACIO
SJOM-1109 745108 1848993 299 -42 Pending VMZ_N


  1. ETW: Estimated true width
  2. NSI: No significant intervals
  3. Silver equivalent (Ag Eq) is calculated using a gold to silver ratio of 1:75, and assumed metal prices of US$1840 per ounce for Au, US$24.15 per ounce for Ag, US$2,300 per ton for Pb and US$2,875 per ton for Zn.


Yaramoko Mine, Burkina Faso: 109 Zone drill results


Easting (ADINDAN_30N)

Northing (ADINDAN_30N)




Depth (m)

UTM Azimuth


Depth From (m)

Depth To (m)

Interval (m)

Est. True Width (m)

Au (ppm)

Hole Type

YRM-20-RC-109-001 468585 1300781 351 27 240 -55 16 22 6 4.2 1.6 RC 109Z Min1
including 20 22 2 1.4 4.2
YRM-20-RC-109-002 468609 1300792 354 50 240 -55 39 41 2 1.4 1.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-003 468620 1300776 352 46 240 -55 41 42 1 0.7 0.9 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-005 468654 1300777 357 75 240 -55 65 74 9 6.3 1.5 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-006 468587 1300803 362 42 240 -55 21 31 10 7 1.5 RC 109Z Min1
including 24 26 2 1.4 5.9
YRM-20-RC-109-007 468618 1300826 347 75 240 -55 61 64 3 2.1 4.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-008 468652 1300749 342 66 240 -55 49 59 10 7 1.6 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-009 468645 1300716 340 39 240 -55 24 27 3 2.1 4.7 RC 109Z Min1
including 26 27 1 0.7 12.8
YRM-20-RC-109-010 468669 1300715 325 53 240 -55 39 48 9 6.3 1.1 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-011 468657 1300688 324 30 240 -55 22 30 8 5.6 2.3 RC 109Z Min1
including 22 23 1 0.7 13.8
YRM-20-RC-109-012 468684 1300683 324 53 240 -55 42 50 8 5.6 2.5 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-013 468694 1300709 335 78 240 -55 68 71 3 2.1 1.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-014 468683 1300653 335 33 240 -55 24 31 7 4.9 1.1 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-015 468701 1300641 335 51 240 -55 33 40 7 4.9 1.4 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-016 468776 1300435 327 40 230 -55 26 27 1 0.7 0.4 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-20-RC-109-017 468768 1300412 326 22 230 -55 7 14 7 4.9 0.8 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-20-RC-109-018 468805 1300433 327 59 230 -55 35 41 6 4.2 3.1 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-20-RC-109-019 468791 1300396 306 37 230 -55 5 7 2 1.4 2.1 RC 109Z Min3
and 27 29 2 1.4 2.8
YRM-20-RC-109-020 468860 1300414 308 96 230 -55 66 67 1 0.7 2.2 RC 109Z Min3
and 82 85 3 2.1 1.1
YRM-20-RC-109-021 468820 1300364 305 57 230 -55 26 34 8 5.6 1.4 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-20-RC-109-022 468813 1300329 304 36 230 -55 4 7 3 2.1 0.3 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-20-RC-109-023 468884 1300382 321 96 230 -55 46 53 7 4.9 0.4 RC 109Z Min3
and 86 89 3 2.1 2.4
YRM-20-RC-109-024 468894 1300345 318 81 230 -55 76 77 1 0.7 2.6 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-20-RC-109-025 468699 1300580 310 37 240 -55 6 13 7 4.9 2.2 RC 109Z Min1
including 10 11 1 0.7 8.4
YRM-20-RC-109-026 468731 1300593 312 51 240 -55 40 42 2 1.4 1.0 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-20-RC-109-027 468971 1300536 332 66 205 -55 46 52 6 4.2 2.7 RC 109Z Min2
including 48 50 2 1.4 6.3
YRM-20-RC-109-028 468983 1300502 341 42 205 -55 27 37 10 7 3.8 RC 109Z Min2
including 29 30 1 0.7 8.0
including 31 32 1 0.7 8.9
YRM-20-RC-109-029 469226 1300369 338 51 205 -55 18 20 2 1.4 1.2 RC 109Z Min2
and 37 40 3 2.1 0.5
and 43 48 5 3.5 0.4
YRM-20-RC-109-030 469199 1300363 337 35 205 -55 16 18 2 1.4 1.0 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-20-RC-109-031 469185 1300398 333 60 205 -55 0 2 2 1.4 5.3 RC 109Z Min2
including 1 2 1 0.7 9.8
YRM-20-RC-109-032 469126 1300414 333 51 205 -55 28 29 1 0.7 2.4 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-20-RC-109-036 469044 1300481 321 81 200 -55 12 17 5 3.5 0.6 RC 109Z Min2
and 40 51 11 7.7 3.0
including 41 44 3 2.1 6.3
including 48 50 2 1.4 4.1
YRM-20-RC-109-037 469021 1300473 322 50 205 -55 27 35 8 5.6 3.4 RC 109Z Min2
Inc 27 28 1 0.7 11.0
YRM-20-RC-109-038 469002 1300513 330 69 205 -55 51 55 4 2.8 11.2 RC 109Z Min2
including 52 54 2 1.4 20.6
and 60 62 2 1.4 1.5
YRM-21-RC-109-039 468569 1300788 342 24 240 -55 5 7 2 1.4 0.7 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-040 468630 1300763 338 51 240 -55 41 48 7 4.9 0.6 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-041 468680 1300793 331 114 240 -55 87 99 12 8.4 2.5 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-042 468710 1300796 334 138 240 -55 111 112 1 0.7 2.3 RC 109Z Min1
and 118 123 5 3.5 1.2
YRM-21-RC-109-044 468665 1300848 340 129 240 -55 112 118 6 4.2 0.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-045 468705 1300825 336 147 240 -55 132 135 3 2.1 5.2 RC 109Z Min1
including 133 134 1 0.7 12.4
YRM-21-RC-109-046 468658 1300798 332 94 240 -55 78 82 4 2.8 4.3 RC 109Z Min1
including 79 80 1 0.7 11.5
YRM-21-RC-109-047 468658 1300882 351 147 240 -55 130 136 6 4.2 2.4 RC 109Z Min1
including 134 135 1 0.7 12.3
YRM-21-RC-109-049 468595 1300741 328 24 240 -55 6 10 4 2.8 1.2 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-051 468618 1300712 329 30 240 -55 11 17 6 4.2 1.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-052 468667 1300665 321 42 240 -55 17 25 8 5.6 1.6 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-053 468703 1300680 326 84 240 -55 57 66 9 6.3 3.4 RC 109Z Min1
including 58 59 1 0.7 11.9
YRM-21-RC-109-054 468680 1300631 322 36 240 -55 16 22 6 4.2 3.2 RC 109Z Min1
including 19 21 2 1.4 7.0
YRM-21-RC-109-055 468726 1300633 321 75 240 -55 38 39 1 0.7 3.2 RC 109Z Min1
and 50 57 7 4.9 4.0
including 52 54 2 1.4 12.4
YRM-21-RC-109-056 468733 1300673 305 97 240 -55 80 87 7 4.9 4.2 RC 109Z Min1
including 81 83 2 1.4 11.3
YRM-21-RC-109-057 468712 1300698 320 105 240 -55 74 82 8 5.6 1.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-058 468740 1300757 328 147 240 -55 124 131 7 4.9 14.7 RC 109Z Min1
including 125 130 5 3.5 22.2
YRM-21-RC-109-060 468772 1300682 334 138 240 -55 114 123 9 6.3 0.5 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-062 468765 1300610 331 90 240 -55 70 77 7 4.9 3.8 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-063 468774 1300580 329 90 240 -55 66 78 12 8.4 1.6 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-064 468728 1300555 328 33 240 -55 21 27 6 4.2 0.4 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-065 468704 1300737 330 110 240 -55 8 11 3 2.1 0.5 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-066 468554 1300829 344 33 240 -55 21 29 8 5.6 0.6 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-067 468573 1300840 350 57 240 -55 41 42 1 0.7 0.7 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-070 468594 1300899 357 114 240 -55 86 89 3 2.1 0.3 RC 109Z Min1
and 94 95 1 0.7 2.3
YRM-21-RC-109-071 468779 1300389 325 42 230 -55 0 3 3 2.1 3.1 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-074 468783 1300412 324 39 230 -55 14 24 10 7 0.5 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-075 468841 1300458 328 91 230 -55 75 85 10 7 1.9 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-076 468874 1300448 332 126 230 -55 93 103 10 7 4.4 RC 109Z Min3
including 95 98 3 2.1 11.4
YRM-21-RC-109-077 468805 1300467 323 72 230 -55 54 55 1 0.7 1.8 RC 109Z Min3
and 64 66 2 1.4 0.6
YRM-21-RC-109-078 468808 1300513 330 94 230 -55 84 86 2 1.4 1.2 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-079 468794 1300542 338 99 230 -55 81 84 3 2.1 0.9 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-080 468839 1300381 327 66 230 -55 26 30 4 2.8 0.7 RC 109Z Min3
and 48 55 7 4.9 0.9
YRM-21-RC-109-081 468849 1300367 321 66 230 -55 23 27 4 2.8 1.5 RC 109Z Min3
and 38 51 13 9.1 0.4
and 57 59 2 1.4 1.3
YRM-21-RC-109-082 468837 1300427 320 83 230 -55 0 2 2 1.4 0.7 RC 109Z Min3
and 55 61 6 4.2 0.6
YRM-21-RC-109-083 468830 1300348 329 46 230 -55 23 32 9 6.3 0.8 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-085 468591 1300768 337 39 240 -55 15 18 3 2.1 0.5 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-086 468958 1300580 312 96 205 -55 35 40 5 3.5 1.0 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-087 468962 1300619 341 129 205 -55 96 104 8 5.6 4.7 RC 109Z Min2
including 97 98 1 0.7 15.1
YRM-21-RC-109-088 468944 1300576 335 78 205 -55 50 53 3 2.1 0.5 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-089 468934 1300636 339 123 205 -55 89 94 5 3.5 1.1 RC 109Z Min2
and 115 116 1 0.7 2.4
YRM-21-RC-109-090 468757 1300508 329 51 230 -55 46 48 2 1.4 1.1 RC 109Z Min3
YRM-21-RC-109-091 469035 1300571 332 129 205 -55 84 85 1 0.7 9.4 RC 109Z Min2
and 88 90 2 1.4 1.2
and 96 100 4 2.8 1.2
and 104 109 5 3.5 1.9
YRM-21-RC-109-093 468910 1300594 321 81 205 -55 38 40 2 1.4 2.7 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-095 469003 1300590 329 130 205 -55 87 88 1 0.7 8.0 RC 109Z Min2
and 90 92 2 1.4 1.8
and 112 119 7 4.9 1.0
YRM-21-RC-109-096 469063 1300548 339 129 205 -55 62 63 1 0.7 2.2 RC 109Z Min2
and 110 111 1 0.7 0.9
YRM-21-RC-109-097 469063 1300513 336 99 205 -55 60 61 1 0.7 1.0 RC 109Z Min2
and 79 84 5 3.5 0.8
YRM-21-RC-109-098 469097 1300530 338 126 205 -55 107 111 4 2.8 15.3 RC 109Z Min2
including 108 109 1 0.7 46.1
YRM-21-RC-109-099 469083 1300504 324 100 205 -55 44 45 1 0.7 1.8 RC 109Z Min2
and 78 84 6 4.2 1.9
YRM-21-RC-109-100 469108 1300491 323 102 205 -55 75 82 7 4.9 4.4 RC 109Z Min2
including 77 78 1 0.7 24.9
YRM-21-RC-109-102 469022 1300550 334 108 205 -55 71 72 1 0.7 1.5 RC 109Z Min2
and 89 99 10 7 1.6
including 96 97 1 0.7 9.9
YRM-21-RC-109-103 469101 1300429 317 51 205 -55 20 24 4 2.8 4.6 RC 109Z Min2
including 21 22 1 0.7 12.1
YRM-21-RC-109-105 469173 1300370 329 45 205 -55 21 25 4 2.8 0.5 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-106 469060 1300462 332 65 205 -55 36 41 5 3.5 0.3 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-108 468982 1300469 340 21 205 -55 1 9 8 5.6 0.9 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-109 468929 1300525 340 40 205 -55 3 5 2 1.4 1.4 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-112 468826 1300644 331 81 205 -55 29 30 1 0.7 0.8 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-114 468783 1300678 328 73 205 -55 12 14 2 1.4 0.7 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-115 468848 1300688 344 117 205 -55 69 70 1 0.7 3.1 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-118 469010 1300493 343 66 205 -55 55 57 2 1.4 1.7 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-126 468756 1300725 327 144 242 -55 45 48 3 2.1 0.5 RC 109Z Min1
and 117 123 6 4.2 0.6
YRM-21-RC-109-127 468719 1300807 331 150 239 -56 130 136 6 4.2 1.8 RC 109Z Min1
including 131 132 1 0.7 5.8
YRM-21-RC-109-128 468774 1300828 334 201 239 -55 116 118 2 1.4 0.4 RC 109Z Min1
and 181 183 2 1.4 1.8
YRM-21-RC-109-129 468784 1300776 330 201 242 -55 168 170 2 1.4 4.9 RC 109Z Min1
including 169 170 1 0.7 7.6
YRM-21-RC-109-130 468816 1300741 330 198 239 -57 171 178 7 4.9 1.7 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-131 468674 1300623 324 18 241 -55 3 12 9 6.3 2.0 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-132 468664 1300635 324 15 241 -56 1 7 6 4.2 2.7 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-133 468695 1300611 324 33 239 -55 18 20 2 1.4 1.4 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-134 468652 1300658 323 15 239 -55 0 10 10 7 1.2 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-135 468644 1300673 324 15 241 -55 2 10 8 5.6 1.1 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-136 468637 1300694 325 18 241 -55 6 14 8 5.6 0.6 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-137 468683 1300605 323 21 240 -55 3 8 5 3.5 1.1 RC 109Z Min1
YRM-21-RC-109-138 469118 1300510 332 126 202 -58 96 104 8 5.6 0.8 RC 109Z Min2
YRM-21-RC-109-139 469098 1300568 338 159 205 -55 98 101 3 2.1 0.4 RC 109Z Min2
and 143 155 12 8.4 1.9 109Z Min2
including 146 147 1 0.7 16.6 109Z Min2


  1. EOH: End of hole


Caylloma Mine, Peru: Animas NE vein drill results

Drill Hole




















ANIS082021 195933 8318903 270 -46 401.6 401.9 0.3 0.3 50.8 0.06 2.87 7.15
and 171.5 177.0 5.5 2.3 58.5 0.13 3.36 9.79
and 192.3 208.7 16.4 7.0 101.0 0.08 5.51 7.04
ANIS082821A 196005 8319013 295 -58 424.3 424.7 0.4 0.3 2.6 0.01 0.25 0.4
and 530.7 532.8 2.1 1.6 37.4 0.02 1.00 6.30
and 540.0 546.9 6.9 5.1 45.8 0.02 0.93 11.43
PISS000121 193814 8313976 359 -59 NSI

ANIM084221 195401 8318155 298 -49 231.1 235.1 4 3.6 45.8 0.02 1.21 3.64
ANIM084321 195474 8318240 319 -70 290.9 299.0 8.1 5.8 50.9 0.06 2.94 5.23
ANIS084521 196006 8319013 304 -53 412.8 413.2 0.40 0.4 25.3 0.01 2.72 5.33
and 603.8 605.1 1.25 1.2 36.5 0.01 6.07 10.26
and 634.5 636.6 2.10 2.0 16.1 0.00 2.97 4.99
and 660.6 661.6 1.05 1.0 53.3 0.00 11.35 6.00
ANIM084721 195400 8318154 293 -36 222.7 235.4 12.8 11.8 106.0 0.03 2.34 3.13
PISS000321 192609 8313948 27 -45 NSI

ANIM084921 195399 8318152 275 -25 258 259.1 1.1 0.7 107.9 0.07 0.42 1.3
ANIS085121 196006 8319013 294 -52 444.7 445 0.3 0.3 1.2 0.00 0.12 0.22
PIS000421 192007 8313075 1 -51 NSI

ANIM085321 195473 8318237 284 -61 285.3 285.65 0.35 0.3 61.0 0.04 4.89 0.24
ANIM085521 195399 8318152 275 -43 233.25 240.8 7.55 6.1 159.4 0.02 2.92 1.44
LPLM004021 195406 8318150 129 -4 555 557.95 2.95 2.4 46.1 0.10 1.53 3.32
ANIM085821 195473 8318237 283 -44 246.05 250.9 4.85 4.4 69.9 0.02 1.64 1.16
ANIS086021 195934 8318903 257 -54 474.85 482.65 7.8 7.0 0.8 0.00 0.03 0.06
ANIS086321 195477 8318240 353 -69 334.75 345.05 10.3 7.2 60.4 0.02 5.51 6.22
and 372.65 376.7 4.1 3.0 78.8 0.02 3.47 3.58
ANIM086821 194984 8317708 282 -57 178.1 185.25 7.15 5.0 38.8 0.07 2.62 3.11
ANIS086921A 195413 8319045 24 -50 83.85 88.15 4.3 3.6 7.3 0.06 0.07 0.29
ANIS087221 195415 8319042 260 -45 68.25 69.05 0.8 0.60 35.2 0.46 0.37 1.04
ANIM087321 194983 8317708 270 -36 186.15 200.6 14.5 11.3 75.8 0.12 4.35 7.45
ANIS087421 195382 8318926 319 -47 74.25 81.9 7.7 6.5 4.6 0.12 0.04 0.49
ANIS087821 195378 8318927 280 -19 62.1 62.8 0.7 0.7 53.0 0.84 0.82 0.15
ANIM087921 194983 8317706 254 -53 269.7 270.3 0.7 0.4 14.9 0.14 0.97 3.20
ANIS088121 195410 8318871 294 -37 74.25 81.90 7.65 6.53 4.6 0.12 0.04 0.49
ANIS087921 194983 8317706 254 -53 210.1 242.0 31.9 20.5 93.0 0.07 4.83 7.81


1. ETW: Estimated true width

2. NSI: No significant intervals


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