Eldorado Gold Identifies New Mineralized Lenses at Ormaque; Multiple Styles of High-Grade Mineralization at Bonnefond; Kokarpinar Vein Extension Drilled at Efemcukuru

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

Eldorado Gold Corporation

(“Eldorado”, the “Company” or “We”) is pleased to provide an update of results from exploration projects at the Lamaque and Efemcukuru operations. Brownfield exploration activities at these sites included a combination of resource conversion drilling, step-out drilling of existing resources and testing new near-mine targets.

  • Ormaque:

    Infill drilling at the Ormaque deposit at the Lamaque operations has confirmed grade continuity within ore lenses of the maiden inferred resource and has expanded several lenses laterally. Drillholes testing deeper levels identified several new mineralized zones. Notable step-out intercepts include

    2.2 metres at 21.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (51.4 g/t gold uncapped) and 1.0 metres at 40.4 g/t gold

    . Intercepts from new zones include

    5.3 metres at 25.0 g/t gold


    33.9 metres at 16.5 g/t gold


  • Bonnefond:

    Significant drill results from the Bonnefond deposit in the recently acquired Bourlamaque project area (formerly QMX project area) include

    50.2 metres at 6.0 g/t gold

    from an extension veinlet zone within the Bonnefond tonalite and

    12.9 metres at 5.1 g/t gold

    from shear vein hosted mineralization cutting across the tonalite.

  • Efemcukuru:

    Drilling at Kokarpinar focused on both conversion drilling within inferred resources and testing the previously undrilled Kokarpinar Northwest Splay, with the latter returning intercepts of

    1.6 metres at 18.3 g/t gold and 2.1 metres at 8.0 g/t gold.

“The strong drill results build on the ongoing success of our exploration programs at the Lamaque and Efemcukuru operations,” said George Burns, President and CEO of Eldorado Gold. “The infill and step-out drilling at Ormaque highlights the quality and growth potential of this recent new discovery, and our teams are rapidly advancing a range of exploration opportunities within the land package obtained through the acquisition of QMX, key to our Canadian growth strategy.”

“At Efemcukuru, we have a strong track record of extending mine life through exploration success. The recent resource drilling at the Kokarpinar vein is encouraging and has the potential to significantly extend the current reserve base and mine life. Our exploration team continues to advance drilling in many areas to support our future growth profile at our existing operations.”

Note: Gold grades for drillhole intervals listed in this release are capped at 40 g/t gold for Triangle deposit holes and 70 g/t gold for the Ormaque zone. Drillhole intercepts are drillhole lengths; where sufficient geological control exists, estimated true thicknesses of mineralized zones are in Appendix 1.

Tables of intercepts from the drilling referenced in this release are included in Appendix 1 and associated drillhole collar coordinates and orientations are listed in Appendix 2.

Val-d’Or District, Quebec

Ormaque Deposit

Eldorado announced a maiden inferred resource for the Ormaque deposit on February 22, 2021 totaling 803,000 ounces gold at a grade of 9.5 g/t gold. High gold grades at Ormaque occur within quartz+carbonate+tourmaline veins forming gently south-dipping extension veins and vein arrays, and less commonly, steeply north-dipping shear veins. The mineralized veins at Ormaque have been identified within a corridor extending approximately 550 metres east-west, 300 metres north-south and from 150 to at least 750 metres depth, located roughly midway along the ore haulage decline being constructed between the Triangle mine and the Sigma mill (Figure 1).

Figure 1:

Geological map of the Lamaque Operations showing mineralized zones and infrastructure referred to in this news release. Inset map shows outline of Lamaque Operations license holdings: Sigma-Lamaque and Sigma 2 outlined in red; Bourlamaque Property in green.

Since the maiden Ormaque resource was defined, 34 drill holes totalling 16,494 metres have been completed (Figure 2). The new drilling includes both infill holes within the inferred resource area, drilled for the purpose of confirming grade continuity within the mineralized lenses, and step-out holes targeting extensions of the mineralized zones and testing for new mineralized lenses at depth and along strike.

Figure 2:

Geological map of the Ormaque deposit area, showing collars and traces of drill holes completed since the February 2021 announcement of the maiden inferred resource and surface projection outline of the deposit area. Drillhole collar coordinates and orientations provided in Appendix 2.

Infill drillholes targeted five of the thicker, more continuous lenses of the deposit (E030, E040, E050, E100 and E140). Results validated the geological model used in the maiden resource, and intersected grades and thicknesses similar to those predicted by the model. The additional level of drilling detail has also enabled refinements to the geological model, the most notable being the definition of several steeply north-dipping high-grade shear veins. Some of the widest mineralized intervals to date are associated with vein arrays occurring where the gently-dipping extension vein lenses intersect these steeper zones.

Step-out drilling has also defined extensions to the mineralized lenses outside of the area included in the maiden resource estimate, associated with both extension and shear vein zones. Notable intercepts include:

  • 2.15 metres at 21.3 g/t gold

    (51.4 g/t gold uncapped) in drillhole LS-21-059, representing a 30 metre step-out to the north on zone E100,

  • 1.0 metre at 40.4 g/t gold

    in drillhole LS-21-052, representing an 80 metre step-out to the east on zone E030, and

  • 1.05 metres at 38.8 g/t gold

    in drillhole LS-21-058, representing a 50 metre step-out to the north on zone E050.

Several new mineralized zones that were not included in the maiden resource were also intersected in the infill and step-out drilling programs. These include intercepts of:

  • 5.25 metres at 25.0 g/t gold

    in drillhole LS-21-052 from a sub-vertical shear vein, and
  • multiple intercepts in drillhole LS-21-054, including

    5.0 metres at 18.1 g/t gold

    in a new sub-horizontal zone and

    33.9 metres at 16.5 g/t gold

    from an array of extensional veins with associated tourmaline altered wallrock. The latter is one of the deepest and easternmost intersections at Ormaque (Figure 3).

Drilling results at the high-grade Ormaque deposit highlight the resource expansion potential of the known mineralized lenses and through discovery of new lenses where the deposit remains open to the east and at depth. The combination of steeply-dipping shear veins and sub-horizontal extension veins at Ormaque is similar to styles of mineralization mined at the nearby Sigma deposit (historical production of approximately 4.5 million ounces gold), which was mined to a depth of 1.8 kilometres. Exploration to date at Ormaque has only tested the system to about 750 metres.

Figure 3:

North-south cross section through the eastern part of the Ormaque Deposit (section line shown on Figure 2) showing geometry of gently-dipping extension vein lenses and more steeply-dipping shear veins, and selected recent drill intercepts from this news release.

Current drilling at Ormaque is testing extensions of the orebody towards the east below the previously explored Fortune zone (Figure 2). Drilling also commenced at the Mine #3 target 500 metres southwest of Ormaque (Figure 1), following up on several drill intercepts that display similar styles of mineralization and geological controls to those at Ormaque. Around 12,000 metres of drilling are planned for Ormaque, Mine #3, and related nearby targets for the remainder of 2021.


Eldorado completed the acquisition of QMX Gold on April 7, 2021, increasing Eldorado’s land package within the Val-d’Or area by over 500% (Figure 1). The newly acquired properties, now collectively referred to as the Bourlamaque property, include historical producing mines, advanced stage exploration projects and early-stage opportunities. In 2021, exploration drilling by QMX and subsequently by Eldorado at Bourlamaque has focused on the Bonnefond deposit, the River target, and the Bevcon target.

The Bonnefond deposit, located 20 kilometres east of Val-d’Or, has notable geological similarities to the Triangle deposit, including an association with plug-like intrusions and localization of high gold grades within steeply-dipping shear vein systems. However, the intrusions at Bonnefond contain extensive zones of disseminated and veinlet-controlled gold mineralization not found at Triangle. Drilling has been ongoing at Bonnefond throughout the year, targeting both the shear veins and more disseminated styles of mineralization. Notable results from the 2021 drilling at Bonnefond include:

  • Intercepts of

    50.2 metres at 5.9 g/t gold


    13.1 metres at 4.3 g/t gold

    (both from drillhole 17315-20-121W1) and

    41.9 metres at 3.2 g/t gold

    (drillhole 17315-20-148); associated with arrays of quartz-tourmaline-pyrite extension veinlets hosted within the Bonnefond tonalite, and
  • Intercepts of

    10.3 metres at 5.1 g/t gold

    (drillhole 17315-21-161) and

    12.9 metres at 5.1 g/t


    (drillhole 17415-21-167A) within subvertical, quartz-carbonate shear veins spatially associated with mafic dykes cutting the Bonnefond tonalite.

The River target is located just east of Val-d’Or and approximately 5.5 kilometres northeast of the Sigma Mill. The River target area contains a series of south-dipping mineralized shear zones within the western margin of the Bourlamaque batholith, some of which are aligned along-strike with shear zones formerly mined at the Lac Herbin mine 500 metres to the east (historical production 172,650 ounces gold). Similar styles of mineralization are also present at the nearby historic Ferderber and Dumont mines (historical production of 362,000 ounces gold and 258,000 ounces gold respectively).

Eight drillholes totaling 3,490 metres have been completed at the River target in 2021. The best intercepts from the drilling include:

  • 16.9 metres at 3.6 g/t gold

    (drillhole 17421-20-078); and

  • 19.6 metres at 9.8 g/t gold

    (drillhole 17421-21-082).

Drilling planned the remainder of 2021 on the Bourlamaque property includes roughly 2000 metres at the River target and testing of a new target area along strike from the previously producing Bevcon mine (historical production of 438,000 ounces gold), located 30 kilometres east of Val-d’Or. The Bevcon target consists of several shear zones along the northern margin of the Bevcon intrusion, which were previously mined at the Bevcon mine. Initial drill testing will include up to 12 drillholes testing a strike length of 400 metres.

Efemcukuru, Turkey

In 2021, drilling at Efemcukuru has focused on resource conversion and step-out drilling at the Kokarpinar epithermal vein system (Figure 4). Resource conversion drilling has now been completed for three of the six ore shoots at Kokarpinar and will continue through the end of the year on the remaining inferred resource areas. Grades and thicknesses in the resource conversion drilling to date are overall consistent with the inferred resource model, and in several areas returned intercepts with notably higher than expected grades and thicknesses. Examples include:

  • 5.6 metres at 35.0 g/t gold

    (drillhole KPR-045) at Kokarpinar South;

  • 14.2 metres at 7.4 g/t gold

    (drillhole KPR-032) at Kokarpinar Middle; and

  • 8.6 metres at 8.3 g/t gold

    (drillhole KPR-051) from the Kokarpinar Middle splay zone.

Figure 4:

Geological map of the Efemcukuru mine area showing traces of exploration and resource conversion drillholes completed in 2021 at the Kokarpinar vein system.

Three step-out drillholes were completed at the previously undrilled Kokarpinar Northwest Splay zone, targeting areas where numerous high grade gold values were obtained from outcrop samples. Two of the holes intersected significant epithermal vein mineralization, including:

  • 1.6 metres at 18.3 g/t gold

    (drillhole KV-789) and

  • 2.1 metres at 8.0 g/t gold

    (drillhole KV-792).

Follow-up drilling is planned for late 2021 to test the continuity and lateral extent of high-grade mineralization in this area.

About Eldorado Gold

Eldorado is a gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Turkey, Canada, Greece, Romania, and Brazil.  The Company has a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with local communities.  Eldorado’s common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO).


Investor Relations

Lisa Wilkinson, VP, Investor Relations

604.757 2237 or 1.888.353.8166



Louise McMahon, Director Communications & Public Affairs

604.616 2296 or 1.888.363.8166


Qualified Persons

Dr. Peter Lewis P.Geo., Eldorado’s Vice President, Exploration, is the qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) responsible for, and has verified and approved, the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this press release. The scientific and technical disclosure of the exploration results from the Quebec based projects were reviewed and approved by Jacques Simoneau. P.Geo and member in good standing of the Ordre des Géologues du Québec. Eldorado operates its exploration programs according to industry best practices and employs rigorous quality assurance and quality control procedures. All results are based on half-core samples of diamond drill core. For Lamaque, drill core samples were prepared and analyzed at Bourlamaque Laboratories in Val d’Or, Quebec, while the Bourlamaque property samples were analysed at the Swastika Lab in Swastika, Ontario. Drillcore samples For Efemcukuru were prepared at the Company’s sample preparation lab in Cannakale, Turkey and analyzed at ALS Minerals laboratory in Izmir, Turkey.  All Au assays are based on fire assay analysis of a 30 gm charge (50 gm for Efemcukuru)  followed by an atomic adsorption finish.  Samples with Au grades above 5.0 g/t at the Lamaque project and Efemcukuru Project, 10.0 g/t at other projects were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish.  Certified standard reference materials, field duplicate and blank samples were inserted regularly and were closely monitored to ensure the quality of the data.

Cautionary Note about Forward-looking Statements and Information

Certain of the statements made and information provided in this press release are forward-looking statements or information within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. Often, these forward-looking statements and forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as “plans”, “expects”,  “is expected”, “budget”, “continue”, “projected”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes” or the negatives thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved.

Forward-looking statements or information contained in this release include, but are not limited to, statements or information with respect to: our planned future drilling and exploration work programs, including for the remainder of 2021, and the timing and anticipated benefits thereof;

our expectations regarding establishment of reserves and resources through our continued exploration programs, the success of our exploration programs at Lamaque and Efemcukuru; the growth potential at Ormaque; growth opportunities within the land acquired through QMX Gold; ability to replace reserves at Efemcukuru;

mineral reserves and resources, our guidance and outlook, including expected production and recoveries of gold, planned capital and exploration expenditures; our expectation as to our future financial and operating performance, expected metallurgical recoveries, gold price outlook; and our strategy, plans and goals, including our proposed exploration, development, construction, permitting and operating plans and priorities, including timelines and schedules.

Forward-looking statements and forward-looking information by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information.

We have made certain assumptions about the forward-looking statements and information, including assumptions about

: how the world-wide economic and social impact of COVID-19 is managed and the duration and extent of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our operations, the results of our exploration programs;

the need for additional financing to explore and develop properties; mineral reserves and resources and metallurgical recoveries, uncertainties involved in the interpretation of drill results and geological tests, the geopolitical, economic, permitting and legal climate that we operate in; the future price of gold and other commodities;

the global concentrate market;

exchange rates; anticipated costs and expenses; production, the impact of acquisitions, dispositions, suspensions or delays on our business and the ability to achieve our goals. In particular, except where otherwise stated, we have assumed a continuation of existing business operations on substantially the same basis as exists at the time of this release.

Even though our management believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements or information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statement or information will prove to be accurate. Many assumptions may be difficult to predict and are beyond our control.

Furthermore, should one or more of the risks, uncertainties or other factors materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements or information.  These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others

: global outbreaks of infectious diseases, including COVID-19; timing and cost of exploration, drilling, work programs, construction,

geopolitical and economic climate (global and local), uncertainties involved in the interpretation of drill results and geological tests; the need to obtain additional permits and governmental approvals, risks related to the updating of our resource and reserve models and life of mine plans; mineral tenure and permits; gold and other commodity price volatility;

information technology systems risks; continued softening of the global concentrate market,

recoveries of gold and other metals; results of test work; revised guidance; risks regarding potential and pending  litigation and arbitration proceedings relating to the Company’s, business, properties and operations; expected impact on reserves and the carrying value; mining operational and development risk

; financing risks

; foreign country operational risks; risks of sovereign investment; regulatory risks and liabilities including, regulatory environment and restrictions, and environmental regulatory restrictions and liability; discrepancies between actual and estimated production, mineral reserves and resources and metallurgical testing and recoveries; additional funding requirements; currency fluctuations; community and non-governmental organization actions; speculative nature of gold exploration;

dilution; share price volatility and the price of our common shares;

competition; loss of key employees; and defective title to mineral claims or properties, as well as those risk factors discussed in the sections titled “Forward-Looking Statements” and “Risk factors in our business” in the Company’s  most recent Annual Information Form & Form 40-F. The reader is directed to carefully review the detailed risk discussion in our most recent Annual Information Form filed on SEDAR


under our Company name, which discussion is incorporated by reference in this release, for a fuller understanding of the risks and uncertainties that affect the Company’s business and operations.

Forward-looking statements and information is designed to help you understand management’s current views of our near and longer term prospects, and it may not be appropriate for other purposes.

There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.  Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements or information contained herein.  Except as required by law, we do not expect to update forward-looking statements and information continually as conditions change and you are referred to the full discussion of the Company’s business contained in the Company’s reports filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada and the U.S.

Appendix 1: Tables of Assay Results

Table 1:

Summary of 2021 drillhole assay results from the Ormaque Deposit. Intercepts are only reported for those intervals above a 10 gram x metre cutoff. Drillhole collar locations, collar orientations, and total lengths are listed in Appendix 2.







Au g/t


Au cap

at 70 g/t


Infill Holes (inside February 21st inferred resource)
LS-20-034M01 589.0 590.7 1.7 20.41 Shear Vein
and 712.5 713.0 0.5 185.61 70.0
and 875.75 878.0 2.25 7.29
LS-20-035 418.0 421.0 3.0 1.43 3.36 E100
and 430.9 434.3 3.4 1.7 38.08 18.06 E110
and 436.7 439.25 2.55 1.01 6.85 S020
LS-20-036 132.5 134.0 1.5 18.15
LS-20-036A 439.7 440.2 0.5 0.43 34.62 S010
and 523.1 523.6 0.5 28.82
and 531.75 532.75 1.0 0.54 31.58 E160
and 563.8 564.8 1.0 0.55 15.56 E170
and 664.25 665.85 1.6 16.57
and 676.3 679.35 3.05 9.38 Shear Vein
LS-20-037 151.7 152.2 0.5 26.98
and 156.3 156.8 0.5 44.25
and 185.0 187.65 2.65 2.28 14.65 E010
incl. 186.0 187.0 1.0 37.62
and 238.2 238.75 0.55 0.47 193.64 70.0 E020
and 270.7 279.8 8.3 19.58 9.99
incl. 271.7 272.7 1.0 149.63 70.0
and 276.5 278.5 2.0 1.7 5.12 E040
and 394.3 395.45 1.15 0.97 16.8 E110
and 411.15 416.85 5.70 2.12 6.3 S010
and 523.8 525.0 1.2 10.13
LS-20-038 591.25 604.75 13.5 4.48
incl. 591.25 596.75 5.5 4.32 5.0 E230
and incl. 599.25 604.75 5.5 5.89
LS-20-039A 146.7 148.1 1.4 14.9
and 150.7 151.3 0.6 63.84
LS-20-039B 251.15 252.65 1.5 1.37 114.48 24.89 E030
and 265.0 267.1 2.1 1.88 11.98 E040
LS-20-039BM01 259.7 261.2 1.5 1.3 43.44 26.98 E030
and 273.75 274.8 1.05 0.9 40.73 40.29 E040
and 316.8 317.8 1.0 0.84 12.53 E060
and 390.65 392.75 2.1 1.59 26.17 23.55 S020
and 414.75 418.1 3.35 9.04
and 543.25 548.5 5.25 2.4 Shear Vein
and 639.8 643.8 4.0 2.79 Shear Vein
LS-21-040A 266.35 268.5 2.15 2.11 7.55 E050
and 274.3 275.75 1.45 29.18
LS-21-041 228.5 229.02 0.52 0.51 20.22 E030
and 273.6 277.7 4.1 3.99 31.99 16.77 E050
incl. 274.15 274.7 0.55 183.48 70.0
and 286.65 288.15 1.5 23.12
and 305.7 308.9 3.2 3.11 9.59 E070
and 319.4 320.0 0.6 0.59 39.79 E080
and 330.85 331.4 0.55 30.98
and 340.7 341.8 1.1 1.08 23.54 E090
LS-21-042A 284.5 289.0 4.5 4.23 4.04 E050
incl. 288.0 288.5 0.5 21.52
LS-21-044A 245.3 245.95 0.65 0.6 133.7 70.0 E030
and 267.0 270.0 3.0 2.73 4.51 E040
and 296.7 302.85 6.15 5.6 5.06 E050
incl. 300.65 302.85 2.2 11.12
and 311.5 313.0 1.5 16.76
and 322.3 325.9 3.6 3.22 17.13 15.11 E070
LS-21-046 235.2 239.2 4.0 3.54 4.58 E020
incl. 238.6 239.2 0.6 21.55
and 253.0 254.5 1.5 1.33 48.91 27.58 E030
incl. 253.5 254.0 0.5 133.97 70.0
and 256.8 258.3 1.5 8.78
and 306.35 309.1 2.75 2.4 24.17 E050
incl. 306.85 308.1 1.25 48.66
and 321.75 322.75 1.0 0.85 20.72 E060
and 326.9 327.4 0.5 76.35 70.0
and 378.0 378.5 0.5 0.45 31.16 E090
and 387.0 392.1 5.1 3.74 7.88 S020
incl. 387.5 388.0 0.5 26.57
and 400.5 401.5 1.0 0.88 13.3 E110
LS-21-047 272.85 275.2 2.35 2.26 12.09 E050
incl. 273.4 273.9 0.5 41.99
and 281.9 283.55 1.65 31.33 26.09
incl. 282.45 283.05 0.6 84.41 70.0
LS-21-048 419.8 420.3 0.5 0.41 25.3 E100
and 446.3 447.3 1.0 37.48 35.49
and 493.5 495.5 2.0 34.99 28.58
incl. 494.5 495.0 0.5 95.66 70.0
and 541.5 543.25 1.75 1.5 20.64 E140
and 577.65 579.2 1.55 1.16 139.37 35.54 E160
incl. 578.15 578.65 0.5 391.86 70.0
LS-21-050 456.9 457.4 0.5 36.57
and 525.9 526.4 0.5 46.38
and 582.4 582.9 0.5 20.21
LS-21-051 266.2 267.2 1.0 0.88 44.69 35.36 E040
and 299.25 300.25 1.0 0.87 11.34 E050
and 306.35 307.85 1.5 9.48
and 359.9 361.25 1.35 11.5
and 369.9 370.9 1.0 0.89 15.93 E090
and 375.6 376.35 0.75 23.15
and 393.75 395.25 1.5 14.63
incl. 394.75 395.25 0.5 41.89
and 396.25 397.0 0.75 0.66 21.07 E110
LS-21-053 245.3 245.8 0.5 0.48 34.13 E040
and 281.0 284.85 3.85 3.69 9.57 E050
incl. 283.75 284.3 0.55 56.09
and 423.5 427.3 3.8 3.55 10.68 E130
incl. 424.1 424.6 0.5 67.48
and 445.7 447.9 2.2 2.18 13.28 E140
LS-21-055 275.65 276.3 0.65 35.3
and 303.35 306.3 2.95 2.43 17.8 E050
incl. 305.75 306.3 0.55 68.74
and 322.45 323.6 1.15 0.92 22.34 E060
and 392.15 394.25 2.1 1.76 45.43 36.85 E100
incl. 392.15 392.75 0.6 100.04 70.0
and incl. 393.75 394.25 0.5 69.36
and 499.75 505.9 6.15 4.12 Shear Vein
LS-21-056 238.6 239.1 0.5 0.48 61.06 E030
and 282.95 291.35 8.4 8.01 14.31 E050
incl. 282.95 286.0 3.05 38.0
incl. 290.85 294.5 3.65 91.06 41.13
and 291.35 294.5 3.15 104.48 46.63 Shear Vein
and 307.0 309.15 2.15 2.04 7.67 E070
and 316.3 317.6 1.3 13.62
and 322.65 324.65 2.0 1.93 6.37 E080
Step-out Holes (outside February 21st inferred resource)
LS-21-043 510.9 513.5 2.6 16.04
LS-21-045 196.8 197.3 0.5 34.65
and 416.8 420.85 4.05 3.55 6.69 E100
incl. 416.8 418.3 1.5 15.82
and 429.55 430.55 1.0 0.86 11.16 E110
and 458.1 459.6 1.5 20.69
and 561.0 561.5 0.5 0.41 33.17 E160
and 572.15 573.65 1.5 19.68
and 743.3 744.3 1.0 0.79 95.26 35.55 E230
and 807.1 807.6 0.5 65.03
and 867.5 871.65 4.15 18.94
incl. 868.95 869.9 0.95 68.85
and 871.65 874.0 2.35 19.67 Shear Vein
incl. 873.3 874.0 0.7 44.15
and 874.0 875.5 1.5 9.7
and 879.3 889.7 10.4 20.68 9.19
incl. 879.3 879.8 0.5 308.92 70.0
LS-21-052 224.8 225.8 1.0 0.92 40.39 36.49 E030
incl. 224.8 225.3 0.5 77.8 70.0
and 382.0 383.0 1.0 0.9 11.75 E110
and 388.0 389.5 1.5 1.33 90.18 31.38 E120
incl. 388.5 389.0 0.5 246.4 70.0
and 421.5 423.5 2.0 1.73 16.55 E130
incl. 422.0 422.5 0.5 60.38
and 460.15 461.65 1.5 19.03
incl. 460.65 461.15 0.5 55.79
and 486.85 492.1 5.25 1.91 24.96 23.03 S030
LS-21-054 407.55 412.55 5.0 18.08
incl. 410.2 411.55 1.35 56.62
and 419.75 420.25 0.5 20.93
and 435.4 436.9 1.5 1.34 33.83 27.64 E130
incl. 435.9 436.4 0.5 88.57 70.0
and 477.1 478.1 1.0 0.92 37.29 E150
and 716.75 750.65 33.9 16.52 12.35
incl. 719.75 720.75 1.0 34.17
and incl. 724.0 724.7 0.7 130.32 70.0
and incl. 732.05 734.85 2.8 90.39 60.68
and incl. 740.2 740.7 0.5 101.87 70.0
and incl. 744.0 744.5 0.5 64.24
and 781.25 782.25 1.0 21.13
and 797.8 802.5 4.7 4.07
and 810.35 812.35 2.0 5.27
and 815.75 822.85 7.1 21.14 18.46
incl. 815.75 816.35 0.6 101.75 70.0
and incl. 818.55 820.35 1.8 41.89
LS-21-057 50.0 51.5 1.5 8.41
and 88.5 91.2 2.7 30.66 18.6
incl. 90.1 90.7 0.6 124.25 70.0
LS-21-058 223.8 224.8 1.0 0.89 39.76 36.06 E020
incl. 224.3 224.8 0.5 77.4 70.0
and 246.2 247.25 1.05 0.95 38.78 37.24 E030
incl. 246.7 247.25 0.55 72.93 70.0
LS-21-059 366.65 368.8 2.15 2.02 51.4 21.27 E100
incl. 367.8 368.3 0.5 199.57 70.0
and 378.2 382.55 4.35 3.99 10.12 E120
incl. 381.25 382.55 1.3 31.58
LS-21-061 163.5 170.0 6.5 6.18
incl. 163.5 164.0 0.5 67.65
and 214.0 219.0 5.0 8.76
and 252.0 254.0 2.0 1.82 9.96 E020
and 287.0 287.5 0.5 0.45 44.88 E040
and 318.85 319.35 0.5 0.45 53.17 E050

Table 2:

Summary of 2021 drillhole assay results from the Bonnefond Deposit. Intercepts are only reported for those intervals above a 10 gram x metre cutoff. Drillhole collar locations, collar orientations, and total lengths are listed in Appendix 2.


From (m)

To (m)






Au (g/t)

17315-20-121W1 459.8 461.8 2.0 1.16 12.25 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 473.0 477.0 4.0 2.29 9.33 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 504.8 508.5 3.7 2.13 6.04 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 610.8 612.3 1.5 0.86 10.68 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 629.1 632.6 3.5 2.0 26.21 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 640.6 690.8 50.2 28.73 5.95 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 642.6 644.6 2.0 1.14 70.94 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 670.0 672.0 2.0 1.14 39.51 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 734.0 735.5 1.5 0.86 17.17 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 754.9 756.9 2.0 1.14 8.31 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 768.7 781.8 13.1 7.48 4.32 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 772.1 774.1 2.0 1.14 10.13 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 778.1 779.8 1.7 0.97 13.25 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 794.5 796.3 1.8 1.03 6.23 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 920.0 922.0 2.0 1.14 8.54 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 1077.0 1079.0 2.0 1.14 55.27 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-20-132 352.5 375.0 22.5 20.15 3.61 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 369.3 375.0 5.7 5.09 10.59 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-20-148 78.5 88.5 10.0 5.35 3.25 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 120.2 129.9 9.7 5.2 4.92 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 160.0 161.8 1.8 0.95 12.79 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 170.8 172.8 2.0 1.06 14.92 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 231.1 273.0 41.9 22.0 3.21 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 231.1 239.1 8.0 4.21 8.85 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 235.1 239.1 4.0 2.1 15.76 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 265.0 273.0 8.0 4.19 5.36 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 308.4 314.3 5.9 3.1 3.63 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 342.0 349.0 7.0 3.67 3.68 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 382.5 384.0 1.5 0.78 7.17 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 427.5 429.0 1.5 0.78 6.99 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 667.5 669.1 1.6 0.8 6.81 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-20-149W2 544.7 683.0 138.3 71.57 3.03 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 556.3 571.8 15.5 8.12 7.7 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 566.3 568.3 2.0 1.05 37.47 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 654.0 672.1 18.1 6.4 8.0 Gabbro Dyke
and incl. 657.2 659.2 2.0 0.71 36.42 Gabbro Dyke
and incl. 681.0 683.0 2.0 1.01 14.44 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 755.2 765.0 9.8 4.93 3.82 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 974.6 978.0 3.4 1.62 3.88 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-20-155W1 374.9 378.9 4.0 2.27 3.7 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 634.2 635.6 1.4 0.8 12.76 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 843.4 846.2 2.8 1.62 5.21 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 940.5 942.0 1.5 0.86 21.17 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 964.5 966.0 1.5 0.86 9.05 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 1009.0 1011.0 2.0 1.15 8.95 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 1015.5 1025.0 9.5 4.1 3.01 Gabbro Dyke
incl. 1017.5 1019.0 1.5 0.65 10.16 Gabbro Dyke
and 1075.5 1084.0 8.5 4.99 13.32 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 1075.5 1077.0 1.5 0.88 44.17 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 1080.0 1082.0 2.0 1.17 21.64 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-20-155W2 530.0 535.8 5.8 3.02 8.81 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 530.0 531.8 1.8 0.94 18.79 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 579.5 586.0 6.5 2.34 6.3 Gabbro Dyke
incl. 581.5 583.0 1.5 0.54 18.28 Gabbro Dyke
and 698.5 700.5 2.0 1.0 5.96 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-21-128AW1 429.1 430.6 1.5 0.86 14.37 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-21-161 119.5 123.5 4.0 2.44 3.74 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 172.0 186.0 14.0 8.55 7.26 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 172.0 173.0 1.0 0.61 79.57 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 211.0 213.0 2.0 1.22 6.82 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 286.0 311.0 25.0 15.28 6.27 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 288.0 290.0 2.0 1.22 59.6 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 406.4 410.4 4.0 1.86 4.26 South Shear
and 487.5 502.0 14.5 8.83 4.62 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 487.5 492.9 5.4 3.29 10.58 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 491.1 492.9 1.8 1.1 17.99 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 521.1 531.4 10.3 4.79 5.06 South Shear
incl. 522.7 524.0 1.3 0.6 20.1 South Shear
and incl. 528.0 529.2 1.2 0.56 10.45 South Shear
17315-21-161W1 408.4 412.0 3.6 2.2 3.43 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 443.2 446.2 3.0 1.83 8.95 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 489.5 491.5 2.0 1.22 8.69 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 545.4 551.0 5.6 2.62 4.33 South Shear
17315-21-161W2 269.9 270.9 1.0 0.56 26.4 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 284.0 286.0 2.0 1.13 66.16 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 303.5 306.2 2.7 1.52 3.87 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 493.5 495.0 1.5 0.84 7.91 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 532.0 534.0 2.0 1.11 6.26 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 554.5 556.0 1.5 0.84 7.78 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 567.7 571.0 3.3 1.83 4.1 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 596.9 598.9 2.0 1.1 8.85 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 808.4 809.9 1.5 0.81 16.32 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 853.5 858.4 4.9 2.6 10.02 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 1161.6 1163.3 1.7 0.88 10.77 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-21-162 51.0 55.0 4.0 2.23 3.47 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 76.0 78.0 2.0 0.81 5.81 South Shear
and 92.3 95.4 3.1 1.25 5.23 South Shear
and 105.0 107.0 2.0 1.11 7.99 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 130.3 131.9 1.6 0.88 24.39 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 155.9 164.0 8.1 3.26 3.53 South Shear
and 180.2 184.9 4.7 2.59 3.65 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 218.5 240.3 21.8 12.06 4.18 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
incl. 218.5 219.7 1.2 0.66 21.08 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and incl. 236.5 238.5 2.0 1.11 10.02 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 265.7 267.0 1.3 0.72 10.17 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 425.1 428.6 3.5 1.91 3.54 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 687.3 706.0 18.7 7.11 3.54 Gabbro Dyke
incl. 699.4 701.2 1.8 0.97 18.59 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 781.0 785.5 4.5 2.37 3.44 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
17315-21-164 709.9 711.4 1.5 1.46 7.76 South Shear
17315-21-166 683.1 688.8 5.7 5.66 2.91 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 752.5 756.0 3.5 3.48 5.6 Bonnefond Tonalitic plug
and 798.8 803.2 4.4 4.25 2.89 South Shear
17315-21-167 193.4 195.6 2.2 1.2 19.15 Gabbro Dyke
17315-21-167A 132.1 134.1 2.0 0.86 7.54 Gabbro Dyke
and 988.6 1001.5 12.9 5.07 5.12 Gabbro Dyke
incl. 993.9 995.9 2.0 0.79 20.25 Gabbro Dyke
17315-20-133 to 17315-20-147; 17315-20-149W1; 17315-20-150 to 17315-20-154; 17315-21-105AW2;17315-21-163; 17315-21-165 Below reporting threshold

Table 3:

Summary of 2021 drillhole assay results from the River Target Area of the Bourlamaque property. Intercepts are only reported for those intervals above a 10 gram x metre cutoff. Drillhole collar locations, collar orientations, and total lengths are listed in Appendix 2.


From (m)

To (m)




Au (g/t)

17421-20-072 307.5 308.7 1.2 1.2 10.5 Shear B
17421-20-077 193.0 193.5 0.5 0.1 26.4
17421-20-078 202.0 218.9 16.9 13.5 3.6 Shear B
incl 218.3 218.9 0.6 0.5 67.23 Shear B
17421-21-079 509.5 510.0 0.5 0.1 91.03
17421-21-080 221.5 231.0 9.5 9.4 3.68 Shear B
incl 226.5 227.0 0.5 0.3 46.83 Shear B
17421-21-082 198.5 218.1 19.6 18.9 9.81 Shear B
incl 198.5 199.6 1.1 1.1 15.69 Shear B
and incl 207.8 209.3 1.5 1.5 57.62 Shear B
and incl 211.5 213.0 1.5 1.5 22.64 Shear B
and incl 214.5 215.3 0.8 0.8 38.53 Shear B
17421-21-086 216.0 226.1 10.1 10.0 3.05 Shear B
incl 218.1 218.8 0.7 0.7 28.33 Shear B
17421-20-071; 17421-20-073 to 17421-20-076; 17421-21-081; 17421-21-083 to 17421-21-085 Below reporting threshold

Table 4:

Summary of 2021 drillhole assay results from the Kokarpinar vein system at the Efemcukuru Mine. Intercepts are only reported for those intervals above a 10 gram x metre cutoff. Drillhole collar locations, collar orientations, and total lengths are listed in Appendix 2.


From (m)

To (m)

Interval (m)


thickness (m)

Au (g/t)

Ag (g/t)

Resource Expansion

Kokarpinar Northwest Splay
KV-789 62.25 63.85 1.6

KV-792 66.1 68.2 2.1

KV-790 Below reporting threshold

Resource Conversion

Kokarpinar Middle Vein
KPR-032 344.35 358.5 14.15 11.87

KPR-033 345.65 347.65 2 1.93

KPR-034 194.1 199.1 5 4.26

KPR-035 107.45 108.7 1.25 1.12

KPR-040 181.55 182.5 0.95 0.88

KPR-041 240 250.7 10.7 7.36

KPR-036 to KPR-039; KPR-042 to KPR-044 Below reporting threshold

Kokarpinar Middle Splay
KPR-046 320.6 324.9 4.3 4.2

KPR-047 223.05 225.95 2.9 2.45

KPR-047 236.4 238.45 2.05 1.8

KPR-048 213.15 219.5 6.35 5.33

KPR-050 330.3 332.2 1.9 1.73

KPR-051 226.4 235 8.6 6.27

KPR-056 238.7 240.1 1.4 1.15

KPR-057 279.8 281.4 1.6 1.59

KPR-059 245 246.7 1.7 1.01

KPR-060 344.2 346.1 1.9 1.79

KPR-063 332.5 339.4 6.9 6.23

KPR-068 265.15 266.3 1.15 0.93

KPR-053 to KPR-054; KPR-062; KPR-064 Below reporting threshold

Kokarpinar South Vein
KPR-045 263.15 271.55 8.4 4.87

KPR-049 261.3 268.9 7.6 7.22

KPR-058 265.5 266.95 1.45 1.45

KPR-065 288.3 291.75 3.45 3.05

KPR-066 317.05 323.75 6.7 4.2

KPR-052; KPR-055; KPR-061; KPR-067 Below reporting threshold

Appendix 2:

Collar locations and orientations and total lengths for drillholes listed in this news release.











Lamaque Ormaque Deposit
LS-20-034M01 295868 5329940 323.9 355 -63 1009.9 Surface
LS-20-035 295654 5330616 317.68 182 -53 594.0 Surface
LS-20-036 295654 5330616 317.77 180 -60 152.7 Surface
LS-20-036A 295654 5330616 317.77 180 -64 728.5 Surface
LS-20-037 295652 5330111 324.69 358 -62 692.9 Surface
LS-20-038 295816 5330635 316.42 180 -75 749.0 Surface
LS-20-039A 295653 5330111 324.71 2 -60 189.3 Surface
LS-20-039B 295652 5330111 324.39 357 -58 268.5 Surface
LS-20-039BM01 295650 5330110 324.2 357 -58 721.8 Surface
LS-21-040A 295612 5330104 324 355 -79 342.2 Surface
LS-21-041 295612 5330104 324 2 -71 404.1 Surface
LS-21-042A 295642 5330069 324 358 -65 299.9 Surface
LS-21-043 295577 5329877 324 357 -59 619.3 Surface
LS-21-044A 295642 5330069 324 357 -62 405.0 Surface
LS-21-045 295655 5329917 324 354 -58 955.0 Surface
LS-21-046 295680 5330076 324 358 -57 418.2 Surface
LS-21-047 295680 5330076 324 354 -69 299.9 Surface
LS-21-048 295723 5329921 323 352 -53 601.5 Surface
LS-21-050 295723 5329921 323 3 -56 600.9 Surface
LS-21-051 295723 5330010 324 355 -58 451.2 Surface
LS-21-052 295887 5330066 324 356 -60 618.9 Surface
LS-21-053 295725 5330066 324 19 -64 528.8 Surface
LS-21-054 295898 5329993 324 356 -62 847.5 Surface
LS-21-055 295771 5330070 324 357 -56 547.0 Surface
LS-21-056 295612 5330102 324 357 -70 498.8 Surface
LS-21-057 295819 5330195 324 356 -59 399.3 Surface
LS-21-058 295759 5330140 326 358 -60 522.6 Surface
LS-21-059 295686 5330186 325 0 -62 453.0 Surface
LS-21-061 295507 5330095 325 0 -58 500.35 Surface

Efemcukuru Kokarpinar
KPR-032 498027 4239399 658 236 -58 372.6 Surface
KPR-033 498007 4239422 657 234 -55 369.9 Surface
KPR-034 497904 4239304 576 248 -72 225.2 Surface
KPR-035 497834 4239270 547 241 -69 133.9 Surface
KPR-036 497834 4239271 547 192 -72 134.7 Surface
KPR-037 497903 4239304 576 254 -65 212.3 Surface
KPR-038 497834 4239270 547 193 -59 121.7 Surface
KPR-039 498007 4239422 657 236 -62 373.3 Surface
KPR-040 497903 4239303 576 215 -65 209.3 Surface
KPR-041 497950 4239296 581 263 -78 260 Surface
KPR-042 497904 4239304 576 240 -59 192 Surface
KPR-043 498008 4239422 657 228 -65 386.7 Surface
KPR-044 497951 4239297 581 239 -75 243.5 Surface
KPR-046 498625 4238959 623 212 -33 340.5 Surface
KPR-047 498540 4238769 720 197 -68 254.4 Surface
KPR-048 498540 4238769 720 193 -60 239.2 Surface
KPR-050 498625 4238960 623 216 -36 345.9 Surface
KPR-051 498540 4238769 720 186 -64 249.7 Surface
KPR-053 498540 4238769 720 204 -53 233.4 Surface
KPR-054 498626 4238960 623 207 -36 338.9 Surface
KPR-056 498540 4238770 720 206 -73 278.5 Surface
KPR-057 498625 4238961 623 217 -45 356.1 Surface
KPR-059 498539 4238767 720 222 -71 279.8 Surface
KPR-060 498625 4238961 623 223 -42 356.2 Surface
KPR-062 498539 4238766 720 239 -70 272.6 Surface
KPR-063 498624 4238960 623 221 -30 352.8 Surface
KPR-064 498543 4238768 720 189 -75 287.5 Surface
KPR-068 498542 4238768 720 168 -72 287.9 Surface
KPR-045 498902 4238524 817 193 -54 285.5 Surface
KPR-049 498902 4238523 817 188 -45 283.7 Surface
KPR-052 498902 4238523 817 187 -37 282.2 Surface
KPR-055 498901 4238524 817 198 -37 282 Surface
KPR-058 498904 4238528 817 198 -51 286.8 Surface
KPR-061 498904 4238529 816 198 -62 298.5 Surface
KPR-065 498906 4238529 816 182 -58 299.8 Surface
KPR-066 498898 4238520 816 190 -77 337.5 Surface
KPR-067 498904 4238530 816 170 -69 336.2 Surface
KV-789 497312 4239903 447 230 -45 82.2 Surface
KV-790 497313 4239897 446 150 -45 170.1 Surface
KV-792 497312 4239897 446 185 -45 80 Surface

Bourlamaque Bonnefond
17315-20-121W1 315670 5331264 344 10 -70 753 Surface
17315-20-132 315523 5331554 343 137 -50 378 Surface
17315-20-148 315749 5331249 339 10 -68 741 Surface
17315-20-149W2 315705 5331256 340 27 -69 762 Surface
17315-20-155W1 315618 5331247 345 27 -69 834 Surface
17315-20-155W2 315618 5331247 345 27 -69 756 Surface
17315-21-128AW1 315618 5331247 345 10 -70 427 Surface
17315-21-161 315744 5331249 340 27 -69 735 Surface
17315-21-161W1 315748 5331249 345 27 -69 399 Surface
17315-21-161W2 315744 5331249 340 27 -70 1017 Surface
17315-21-162 315796 5331255 340 26 -68 1101 Surface
17315-21-164 315924 5331755 340 179 -78 1000 Surface
17315-21-166 315830 5331753 342 161 -80 987 Surface
17315-21-167 315514 5331208 340 45 -75 213 Surface
17315-21-167A 315517 5331209 340 45 -65 1117 Surface

Bourlamaque River
17421-20-072 299677 5334499 300 360 -60 501 Surface
17421-20-077 299627 5334445 300 360 -60 462 Surface
17421-20-078 299731.3 5334674.3 300 56 -59 275 Surface
17421-21-079 299879.3 5334624.7 300 5 -60 516 Surface
17421-21-080 299818.9 5334605.8 300 360 -52 306 Surface
17421-21-082 299818.9 5334605.8 300 350 -52 306 Surface
17421-21-086 299788.6 5334591.4 300 350 -60 405 Surface

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at





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